Herbal Dietary Supplement Sales in US Increased by 7.5% in 2015

PR Newswire 09-08-16 AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 7, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Sales of herbal dietary supplements in the United States increased by 7.5% in 2015, according to a new market report by the American Botanical Council(ABC).1 In 2015, herbal supplement sales totaled an estimated $6.92 billion, a new record. The report appears in issue 111 of HerbalGram, which was published in late August. The annual Herb Market Report is based on sales statistics …

Jana Kasperkevic – ‘Poverty pay’ leads Walmart employees to skip lunch – or steal it from coworkers

Walmart employees are so poor that they are skipping lunch, sharing it or, in some cases, stealing it from their coworkers, some of the company’s workers claimed on Thursday while announcing a fast in protest of the company’s wages. Starting Friday morning, over 100 Walmart associates who are members of Our Walmart, a workers organization, and about a 1,000 supporters will …

Food is community

More Americans than ever before are supporting their local food markets, and it’s not just because they believe the food is fresher and tastes better. According to a new University of Iowa study, people are shopping farmers markets and joining food coops at record numbers because they enjoy knowing who grows their food. These so-called “locavores” are also driven to …


The government issued their monthly retail sales this past week and four of the biggest department store chains in the country announced their quarterly results. The year over year retail sales increase of 2.4% is pitifully low in an economy that is supposedly in its sixth year of economic growth with a reported unemployment rate of only 5.3%. If all …

Ben Carson Made Millions Sitting On Board Of Company Whose Founder Lobbied For Obamacare By Zaid Jilani

Today, the federal government released the personal financial disclosure forms for GOP presidential nominee Ben Carson. Carson made most of his money from the last few years from speaking fees to small conservative nonprofits and universities, as well as book sales. But one of the largest individual chunks of Carson’s income comes from his board membership to the wholesale retailer …

Medical Marijuana Patient Rights Under Attack Across the States – Jeremy Daw

From Washington State to Washington, D.C., successful cannabis legalization campaigns have consistently promised voters that they would preserve the rights of medical marijuana patients even while opening up access to all responsible adult use. But while campaign leaders have kept their promises, government officials in Washington, Oregon and Colorado have embarked on dishonest — and sometimes secretive — plans to …

Economic Disinformation Keeps Financial Markets Up – Paul Craig Roberts

Today’s payroll jobs report is more of the same. The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that 223,000 new jobs were created in April. Let’s accept the claim and see where the jobs are. Specialty trade contractors are credited with 41,000 jobs equally split between residential and nonresidential. I believe these are home and building repairs and remodeling. The rest of …

Major U.S. Retailers Are Closing More Than 6,000 Stores – Michael Snyder

If the U.S. economy really is improving, then why are big U.S. retailers permanently shutting down thousands of stores? The “retail apocalypse” that I have written about so frequently appears to be accelerating.  As you will see below, major U.S. retailers have announced that they are closing more than 6,000 locations, but economic conditions in this country are still fairly stable.  So …