The human race faces one its most dangerous centuries yet as progress in science and technology becomes an ever greater threat to our existence, Stephen Hawking warns. The chances of disaster on planet Earth will rise to a near certainty in the next one to ten thousand years, the eminent cosmologist said, but it will take more than a century …
Kelly Brogan – What’s the Point of Health?
When the body comes into harmony, it’s more than just symptom relief, it’s an opportunity to come into yourself and ascend that ladder. I used to be an atheist, in fact, I used to be a self-described “belligerent atheist”. I thought that religious dogma was the outgrowth of fear and unresolved parental issues. Certainly, much modern religion has lost touch …
Jerusha Tanner Lamptey – Unbeknownst to Richard Dawkins the Feminist Revolution in Islam Has Already Begun
The revolution for women’s rights and equality within Islam began long ago. And it was initiated and is perpetuated by Muslim women themselves. Despite this, renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently tweeted: He followed this proclamation with the quotation of multiple verses from Islamic texts related to women garnering the ire of many Muslims, especially many Muslim women. Dawkins’ …
Atheists’ self-defeating superiority: Why joining forces with religion is best for non-believers
I’ve written before about the root causes of religious conflict — in a nutshell: it is not about what many people would like you to think it’s about — but I realized recently that I had still been missing part of the picture picture, because I wasn’t accounting for what happens when people get caught up in narrowly tribalistic thinking. If there’s …