With the passage of a new law this summer mandating vaccines for schoolkids in California, home school advocates and organizations say they are seeing surging interest in off-campus education options that would exempt them from the requirement. “The word on the streets is that, yes, people are coming to home schooling,” said Sarah Ford, membership director for Sonoma County Homeschoolers …
Wave of homeschooling sweeps California: Public schools poison minds of children while SB 277 poisons their bodies by Jonathan Benson
California Governor Jerry Brown has reportedly signed into law the contentious Senate Bill 277, which eliminates the freedom of California parents to opt their children out of vaccinations for personal reasons. All school-age children without an approved medical exemption will now be forced to get vaccinated in order to attend public or private school, a tyrannous mandate that has already driven many …
California One Step Closer to Eliminating Vaccine Exemptions
Last week, the California Education Committee voted in favor of SB 277, a bill that would eliminate all personal belief exemptions to vaccination. Under this law, the only way for a child to attend public school without being vaccinated would be through a very difficult to get medical waiver. We and others issued alerts to our California members, but the large …
Why the Climate Change Debate Is Not Like the Vaccine Debate – Dan Olmsted
The things you have to think about when you get involved in the vaccine safety issue! Lately I’ve been wondering about the state of the global warming debate, prompted by vaccine injury deniers who say ideas like ours are so goofy they are similar to denying that global warming is real. This week, I was forwarded a release from Voices …
When Doctors Become Lawmakers: Medical Tyranny in California
California State Senator Dr. Richard Pan is a co-sponsor of a new proposed California bill, SB 277 [2], which seeks to remove the personal belief exemption to vaccinations in California. AB 499 – California Allows Children as Young as 12 Years Old to be Vaccinated Without Parental Consent California is already one of the most tyrannical states in the U.S. when it comes to forced …