The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.02.16

Wonderful Pam Popper, premier scientific nutritionist and successful innovator, will educate and inspire you about the real road to overall health. Listen and come to her stunning wellness conference in Columbus OH. I will be presenting and in the mornings amid a full day of great scientific presenters.

High Court’s Ruling, Say Critics, Endorses ‘Torturing People to Death’ – Sarah Lazare

In the most closely-watched death penalty case in years, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled 5-4(pdf) that Oklahoma can use the controversial and experimental execution drug midazolam that was behind the last year’s horrific killing of 38-year-old man Clayton Lockett—who writhed and groaned for 43 minutes before ultimately succumbing to a heart attack. The decision not only gives the approval for states …