The Gary Null Show – 03.10.17

Prof. Susannah Heschel is the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies and a member of the Women’s and Gender Studies faculty at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. She is the daughter of the renowned Jewish civil rights activist and spiritual leader Rabbi Abraham Heschel, who is well known for his marching alongside Martin Luther King during the Selma, Alabama protests. The King family regarded her father as “one of the great men of our time.” Susannah edited a collection of Rabbi Heschel’s essential teachings for the Modern Spiritual Masters Series. Her very important publication — “The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany” — is the result of 20 years research into the history of anti-Semitic doctrine within the German Christian movement and Catholic Church in Nazi Germany and details how Christianity was perverted to foment a racist doctrine serving the political ambitions of the Nazi regime.

Italy’s Government on Verge of collapse: Next Trumpian Domino to Fall?

Italy’s government is on the verge of collapse. Prime minister Matteo Renzi reiterated his position just yesterday, he will not hang on if a referendum he seeks does not pass. Polls show the referendum will fail. Then again, polls have not been remarkably accurate recently, to say the least. On the other hand, this poll shows a strong preference to …

Pope Francis calls out journalists: Does the media needlessly foster fear?

The Vatican’s Pope Francis has strived to be a voice of peace and unity on a continent struggling to deal with a refugee crisis. On Thursday he spoke out once again, this time against mass media, which he says has the power to shape the public’s response to that challenge. During an address to Italy’s national journalism guild, Pope Francis …

Focus on the Facts – 06.06.16

The guest was Kevin Galalae, a Canadian human rights activist, author, and historian. Kevin is an expert on the covert depopulation agenda and the methods being used. He is currently on a Hunger Strike in Rome challenging Pope Francis to come to the people’s defense by condemning the covert methods of population control, including vaccines, GMOs, indoctrine disrupters and Chem Trails, employed by the UN and governments around the world. Kevin reports that the nearly 7 decades of use of chemical and biological agents to engineer a world population decline have prevented the birth of 2 billion children and caused the premature death of at least 500 million people. He described the 3 phases of the global depopulation occurring since 1945 and the methods that were set up through the United Nations as well as the reasoning behind them.

RODRIGUE TREMBLAY – Barack Obama’s Legacy: What Happened?

“The evil that men do lives after them.” — William Shakespeare (1564-1616), ‘Julius Caesar’ “The Constitution supposes, what the History of all Governments demonstrates, that the Executive is the branch of power most interested in war and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care, vested the question of war in the Legislature… —No nation could preserve its …

Study: Freedom of religion, civic rights were important components of a ‘Muslim nation’

Prophet Muhammad believed that freedom of religion and civic rights were important components of a ‘Muslim nation,’ according to a Rice University analysis of the prophet’s covenants with Christians. The researcher argues that the covenants can be used to develop a stronger democratic partnership between Muslims and Christians in the Islamic world and elsewhere. “Religious Pluralism and Civic Rights in …


Over the past several months, Donald Trump has famously said a lot of nasty things about Mexican immigrants. What’s less often noted is that he thinks the Mexican government is run by the world’s most hyper-competent  supervillains. The upshot is that only Trump has the wherewithal to beat them.  “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said …

Tom Engelhardt – Why the Islamic State Is the Minor Leagues of Terror

As 2015 ended, this country was certifiably terror-stricken. It had the Islamic State (IS) on the brain. Hoax terror threats or terror imbroglios shut down school systems from Los Angeles to New Hampshire, Indiana to a rural county in Virginia. The Dallas Symphony Orchestra, citing terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, cancelled a prospective tour of Europe thanks to terror …

CHARLES HUGH SMITH – Following in Ancient Rome’s Footsteps: Moral Decay, Rising Wealth Inequality

If you want to understand why Rome declined, look no further than the moral decay of ruling Elites. There are many reasons why Imperial Rome declined, but two primary causes that get relatively little attention are moral decay and soaring wealth inequality. The two are of course intimately connected: once the morals of the ruling Elites degrade, what’s mine is mine and …