PATRICK COCKBURN – What Tony Blair Has Learned About the Middle East: Absolutely Nothing

Normally anybody who criticises Jeremy Corbyn is guaranteed knee-jerk support by the British media which apparently feels that it does not even have to pretend to be non-partisan when it comes to the Labour leader. The only political figure similarly subjected to automatic demonisation is Tony Blair, so when he fiercely attacked Corbyn last week for supposedly focusing on “the …

Stephen Gowans – Pentagon working on plan to convert the Islamic State caliphate into a US-backed Syrian rebel redoubt

Washington is preparing to mount a campaign to transfer control of Syrian territory currently held by ISIS to rebels who operate under US influence, forming a rebel redoubt from which US proxies can continue to wage war on Damascus, and establishing the foundation of a US puppet state in Syria. A key to US strategy is the artificial division of …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay – Ten Reasons Why Bill and Hillary Clinton Do Not Deserve a Third Term in the White House

“Few things are more dangerous than empires pushing their own interest in the belief they are doing humanity a favor.” -Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012) British historian, June 10, 2003 “It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq…” -Bill Clinton (1946- ), The neocon-sponsored Iraq Liberation Act, signed …

Sarah Lazare – Have We Learned Nothing? 13 Years After America’s Disastrous Iraq Invasion, Obama Quietly Deploys More Troops

It has been thirteen years since former president George W. Bush sat in the Oval Office and announced [3] the invasion and large-scale bombing of Iraq to “free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.” That war and occupation would go on to take the lives of over one million Iraqi people, according to [4] some estimates, and leave behind decimated infrastructure [5], environmental poison [6], asectarian [7] political …

Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay – The Lies, Fabrications and Forgeries of the Bush-Cheney administration to Go to War Against Iraq, for Oil and for Israel

We [the United States] spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives. … Obviously, it was a mistake… George W. Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East… —They [President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney] lied… They said there were weapons …


The Hitler Legacy: The Nazi Cult in Diaspora: How it was Organized, How it was Funded, and Why it Remains a Threat to Global Security in the Age of Terrorism. Jörg Haider, leader of Austria’s right-wing movement and the top official in the Austrian state of Carinthia, died in 2008 when his government-issued luxury sedan crashed into a concrete pillar. …

Timothy Alexander Guzman – Currency War Escalation: Iran Wants Euros Instead of US Dollars for Oil Payments

Washington must be getting nervous with the latest announcement from Iran’s state-owned oil company, the National Iranian Oil CO (NIOC) which declared that Iran will replace US dollars with Euros for its oil trades according to a Reuter’s news article titled ‘Exclusive: Iran wants euro payment for new and outstanding oil sales – source’. Iran wants something (well almost anything) to bypass the US …

The US Intervention in Libya Was Such a Smashing Success That a Sequel Is Coming

The immediate aftermath of the NATO bombing of Libya was a time of high gloating. Just as Iraq War advocates pointed to the capture and killing of Saddam Hussein as proof that their war was a success, Libya war advocates pointed to the capture and brutal killing of Muammar el-Qaddafi as proof of their vindication. War advocates such as Anne-Marie …

Bobby Azarian – A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

According to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardener, Donald Trump is a “textbook” narcissist. In fact, he fits the profile so well that clinical psychologist George Simon told Vanity Fair, “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.” This puts Trump in the same category as a …