It’s “Free Your Mind Friday,” our weekly open forum, and listeners’ opinions are the star of the show.
Take on the issues of the day, or any topic you choose, with the intention of offering a view that’s considerably different. Call in (888-874-4888) and speak your truth. We’ll hear the sparks fly!
Children get more satisfaction from relationships with their pets than with siblings
Children get more satisfaction from relationships with their pets than with their brothers or sisters, according to new research from the University of Cambridge. Children also appear to get on even better with their animal companions than with siblings. The research adds to increasing evidence that household pets may have a major influence on child development, and could have a …
The Personal Computer Show – 10.19.16
Ecuador says it cut WikiLeaks founder’s internet access,
Todd C. Frankel – Africa’s Cobalt Pipeline: Where Your Mobile Phone Starts
he sun was rising over one of the richest mineral deposits on Earth, in one of the poorest countries, as Sidiki Mayamba got ready for work. Mayamba is a cobalt miner. And the red-dirt savanna stretching outside his door contains such an astonishing wealth of cobalt and other minerals that a geologist once described it as a “scandale geologique.” This …
The Personal Computer Radio Show – 09.07.16
September 7, 2016 Broadcast- Personal Computer Show, In The Computing News, Apple iPhone 7 Announcement, Apple Watch Announcement, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 Recall, Bureau of Labor Statistics Workforce Report, Tech Corner, Anatomy of a Computer – Barebone PC, Why do lithium batteries explode? Discussion Topic, Ageism in the Job Market Download this episode (right click and save)