Gun violence in the United States has produced a culture soaked in blood – a culture that threatens everyone and extends from accidental deaths, suicides and domestic violence to mass shootings. In late December, a woman in St. Cloud, Florida, fatally shot her own daughter after mistaking her for an intruder. Less than a month earlier, on December 2, in San …
Leid Stories – 01.06.16
Tear Jerker: Obama Weeps for [Politically Appropriate] Victims of Gun Violence
Does God Love Ugly?: Wheaton to Fire Prof for Pro-Muslim Sympathies
In an emotional, teary-eyed speech yesterday at the White House, President Barack Obama delivered yet another homily about gun violence, imploring an impassive Congress to enact measures to curb illegal gun sales. He’s not waiting for it to act, he said, noting a list of mass killings he linked to easy access to assault weapons. Via executive orders he’ll enact some long-overdue regulations and policies himself, he said. Leid Stories takes a closer look at Obama’s gun-violence pronouncements.
Dr. Larycia Hawkins, the first female African American tenured professor at Wheaton College since its founding in 1860, is soon to be dismissed. She has refused to explain statements that “seem inconsistent with the college’s doctrinal conviction,” the college says, citing a Facebook posting in which Hawkins said that Christians and Muslims worship the same god. Leid Stories asks about Wheaton’s move: Does God love ugly?
Leid Stories – 01.05.16
Cops Gone Wild; Justice Gives Deep Cover
Developments in Chicago and South Carolina bring into sharp focus the national crisis of police killings of unarmed people. Overwhelmingly they have been, and tend to be, people of color, statistics show, and were killed, or are likely to be killed, by white officers who rarely are successfully prosecuted for their crimes. Leid Stories explains how the judicial system provides deep cover to rogue cops and why efforts at “reform” simply won’t touch the matter of criminal complicity by prosecutors and even judges in aiding and abetting injustice.
Michael Snyder – What Really Happened In 2015, And What Is Coming In 2016…
A lot of people were expecting some really big things to happen in 2015, and most of them did not happen. But what did happen? It is my contention that a global financial crisis began during the second half of 2015, and it threatens to greatly accelerate as we enter 2016. During the last six months of the year that …
Stephen Lendman – Coming to the Rescue of “Our Terrorists”: US Evacuated Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh) Fighters from Ramadi
Before Iraqi forces retook Ramadi last week, Washington was accused of evacuating around 2,000 ISIS terrorists from the city. Iraqi People’s Mobilization Shiite militia umbrella group commander Hashd al-Shaabi said America delayed the liberation of Ramadi and Fallujah to enable “evacuat(ion) of (ISIS) ringleaders (and fighters) secretly to unknown places” by helicopter. Fort Russ reported an unnamed high-ranking Iraqi official, saying …
Derrick Jensen – The Eco-Modernist Manifesto: a Program of Genocide and Ecocide
The idea that anthropocene — the human alteration of natural ecosystems — can be good or even great, as promised in the recently released Ecomodernist Manifesto, is purely delusional. Worse, it underlies a narrative in which the wholesale destruction of nature and of sustainable indigenous societies is repackaged as a noble mission — one whose ultimate purpose is the complete alienation of humans from the planet …
Martha Rosenberg – The Year in Gun Massacres
The year 2015 not only marked an escalation in citizen-perpetrated mass shootings, it marked an escalation in where mass shootings occur from churches, movies, highways and medical offices to on the street during a live TV newscast. Many people, except those in San Bernardino, Roseburg, Chapel Hill, Chattanooga, Lafayette and other places, have forgotten the many 2015 massacres per the …
Ernst Wolff – Pillaging the World. The History and Politics of the IMF
The following text is the forward to Ernst Wolff‘s book entitled : Pillaging the World. The History and Politics of the IMF, Tectum Verlag Marburg, The book is available in English and German. No other financial organization has affected the lives of the majority of the world’s population more profoundly over the past fifty years than the International Monetary …
Roqayah Chamseddine – Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Islamophobia Campaign Is Nothing but Veiled Opportunism
Since the Paris attacks in November we’ve seen an alarming increase in cases of anti-Muslim abuse [3], from violent physical assaults to the firebombing of mosques. Despite this, inciteful political rhetoric has become more audacious and gone on to help develop a heightened state of hysteria. While the response of many right-wing political figures in the United States has been …
Garikai Chengu – The Ku Klux Klan: America’s Long History of Accepting White Terrorist Organizations
Thursday marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of America’s deadliest terrorist organization: the Klu Klux Klan. Since September 11, extremists associated with various far-right wing ideologies, including the KKK and Jewish extremists, have killed far more people in the United States than extremists motivated by radical Islam. One centuries’ old example of US government double standards when it comes to …