Andrea Germanos – Sanctuary Cities Vow to Defend ‘Basic Human Decency’ From Trump

With Donald Trump‘s inauguration just over a month away, it will soon become clear whether he intends on using beginning days in the White House to try to follow through on his promise to end federal funding for sanctuary cities. Scores of such cities, however, are standing resolute, with officials from over three dozen of them publicly reaffirming their commitment …

Joe Leech – 8 Health Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

The ancient practice of meditation—particularly mindfulness meditation—has recently surged in popularity. In fact, in the U.S. about 8 percent of adults and 1.6 percent of children have tried italready. This is because the health benefits of mindfulness meditation are incredibly impressive … and supported by scientific studies. This article explores the health conditions and diseases it may help with. Read …

Gary Cook – Google Announces Plans to Run Entirely on Renewable Energy

Google has been a catalyst in the dramatic growth in renewable energy procurement among corporations, redefining the art of the possible by bringing significant renewable energy projects onto the same grid its data centers are powered from. Google’s milestone of 2.6 GW of renewable energy purchased puts it well above what most corporations have done to drive renewable growth. Read …

Leid Stories—TrumpWorld Shapes Up. Scared Yet?—12.01.16

President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet and top-staff picks so far are an interesting lot and a strong indication of where he and his new administration—and, by extension, the rest of us—are headed.

Sam Husseini – Beyond the Anti-Trump Protests

Two views seem to be dominant among progressives regarding Donald Trump: Either protest all he does (people have been holding “anti-Trump” rallies for the past week) or “give him a chance” (let’s see what he does, maybe it will be okay). But both the demonizers and those urging a passive approach are wrong. The “Anti-Trump” approach is hollow. First, to protest a …

Zoë Corbyn – Smashing the Silicon Valley patriarchy: anti-Lean In strategy puts onus on men

It’s a Friday afternoon at a tech startup in downtown San Francisco, and Valerie Aurora is arming men with phrases they can use to try to make their Silicon Valley environment less sexist: “Not cool.” “We don’t do that here.” “Awkward!” She wants them to use them against other men when they encounter biased comments or actions aimed at women, …

SIMON LAZARUS – Don’t Just Whack Wells Fargo’s CEO

Too-big-to-fail Wells Fargo, with its too-big-to-whitewash scheme of charging customers for two million bogus accounts, has done something consumer champions have seldom accomplished on their own: showing ordinary Americans that even the most respected big corporations can opt for blatant, systematic cheating if their leaders believe they can get away with it. Even the banking industry’s most reliable defenders, the …

Race Relations Influence Some Teens’ Roommate Choices

As nearly 10 million girls around the country head into their freshman year of college this month, many will have to contend with living away from home and with strangers for the first time. One of the issues they might have to deal with are prejudices and insecurities (both their own and others) as they navigate living with a roommate, …