New study sheds light on what happens to women who are denied abortions –

In the US, there are many laws limiting when and how women can receive abortions. But there is almost no research on what happens to women who seek out abortions and are denied them. Now a team of health researchers at the University of California, San Francisco has completed a longitudinal study of a group they call “Turnaways,” women who tried and failed to get abortions …

Paul Craig Roberts – The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History

Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations. Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over foreign activities of which Washington or American interest groups disapprove. Perhaps the worst results of Washington’s disregard for the sovereignty …

It’s All About Food – Michael Bedar, Sweet Healing: A Whole Health Journey – 01.05.16

Part I: Michael Bedar, Sweet Healing: A Whole Health Journey

Michael Bedar is an avid natural foods and health researcher and author, and the Co-Director of the East Bay Healing Collective in Berkeley, California. He graduated from UC San Diego where he studied and researched Environmental Health. Later, for his master’s thesis at the Cousens School of Holistic Wellness, he surveyed 200 people on their happiness and satisfaction with their nutrition and health outcomes, and turned the data into a page-turner of a parable, the acclaimed novel, Sweet Healing: A Whole Health Journey. Learn more about Sweet Healing at Bedar is also the Associate Producer of several hit documentaries about the natural world, food, and health. He has been a natural health guide for ten years.

Dennis J. Bernstein – Driving Out the Mosquitoes: Making Homelessness Illegal

he seaside city of Santa Cruz, California, is one of several municipalities in Northern California that have become home for the herds of bubble up dot-comers rolling the dice in Silicon Valley. From San Francisco to San Jose to Berkeley, and down the coast to Salinas and Monterey, local officials are salivating at the multitude of possibilities for bringing in …

MARTHA ROSENBERG – Afraid of Food Activists, Big Food Is Increasingly Using Dirty Tricks

Officially, Big Food is not worried about the small number of “fringe” food activists who object to cruel, unhealthful and environmentally destructive products. But unofficially, it is a different story. American Egg Board CEO Joanne Ivy stepped down in apparent disgrace this fall when a 2013 email she wrote to a consultant saying the board was accepting “your offer to …

Janet Allon – The Polluted Air You’re Breathing Could Be Making You Gain Weight

Researchers are studying whether air pollution could be contributing to the obesity epidemic, and the news is not good for city dwellers and second-hand smokers. Increasingly, it looks like two people can have exactly the same diet, and perform the same amount of exercise, but one may put on more weight depending on the air quality around their home. The …

Alex Kirby – Rapid warming brings Arctic changes

Scientists in the US who have been checking on the health of the Arctic over the last year are worried by what they’ve learned: it’s warmer, has less ice, and some of its animals and fish are facing new stresses. And in a surprise finding , which they cannot yet explain, the scientists discovered that green vegetation over much of …

Lorraine Chow – Elon Musk: We Can Power America by Covering Small Corner of Utah With Solar

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has once again championed the incredible potential of renewable energy. During an interview Tuesday at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting in San Francisco, the 44-year-old CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX said that the U.S. could meet its electricity needs just by covering a small corner of Utah or Nevada with solar panels. His remark was captured in …

Kali Holloway – GunTV: New Shop at Home Television Network Will Offer All Guns, All the Time

Some people read headlines about America’s terrifying culture of gun violence and see a public health crisis, while other people read those same headlines and see a business opportunity and dollar signs. It seems safe to assume which category the people behind GunTV, a new 24-hour QVC-style home shopping network, fall into. The channel, which the New York Times [3] reports will …

Tana Ganeva – Guess What? You Can Pay $600 a Month to be Homeless in San Francisco

In the past few years, San Francisco’s massive rents have displaced long-time residents and worsened the city’s already epic homelessness problem, sending more people into encampments or forcing them to live in cars or doubled up. Now, residents have the opportunity to experience that glamorous lifestyle by paying $600 a month to live in a FedEx truck. The SF Weekly reports [3] that an …