Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran

With foresight and analysis, this incisive article written more than three years ago in January 2013  provides an understanding of unfolding events in Syria. Since the kindling of the conflict inside Syria in 2011, it was recognized, by friend and foe alike, that the events in that country were tied to a game plan that ultimately targets Iran, Syria’s number …

PAUL ROSENBERG – Is Hillary Clinton a neoconservative hawk? What Iraq and Libya decisions tell us about her foreign policy

Two election cycles after losing the Democratic Party nomination because of her Iraq War vote, Hillary Clinton finally seems to have put it behind her. In fact, with the latest wave of ISIS hysteria, her hawkishness is seen by some as a plus. At the same time, striking a balance, a good case can be made that, though she did …

Peter Van Buren – U.S.-Iranian Relations Emerge from a 30-Year Cold War

Don’t sweat the details of the July nuclear accord between the United States and Iran. What matters is that the calculus of power in the Middle East just changed in significant ways. Washington and Tehran announced their nuclear agreement on July 14th and yes, some of the details are still classified. Of course the Obama administration negotiated alongside China, Russia, …