Barbara Hollingsworth – Study: 69% of Patients on Antidepressants Are Not Clinically Depressed

Sixty-nine percent, or more than two-thirds of patients currently using the most commonly prescribed antidepressant medications, “never met the criteria for major depressive disorder,” according to a recent study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. “Many individuals who are prescribed and use antidepressant medications may not have met criteria for mental disorders. Our data indicate that antidepressants are commonly used in …

Stanton Peele – How Placebos Prove That People Conquer Addiction With Their Minds

Americans are dead set on finding a magic-bullet solution for addiction. And the leading experts in the field, including pharmacologists, neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists—adding their voices to the 12-step movement—are all clamoring to be recognized as the true messiahs leading us to this promised land. But the new magic bullets are no better than the old AA one. To demonstrate …

Acetominophen Use During Pregnancy Associated with Increased Autism Risk in Danish Study

Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is the most commonly used pain and fever medication during pregnancy. Previously, a positive ecological correlation between acetaminophen use and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been reported but evidence from larger studies based on prospective data is lacking. We followed 64,322 children and mothers enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC; 1996-2002) for average 12.7 years to …

Derrick Broze – Antidepressants Scientifically Linked To Violent Behavior In Youth

A new study published in the PLoS Medicine journal has found that younger people taking antidepressants are more likely to commit violent crimes. Reuters reports that the researchers “used a unique study design which aimed to avoid confounding factors by comparing the same individuals’ behavior while they were on and while they were off medication.” The study was led by …

Report: Pfizer ‘Hid Link’ Between Anti-Depressants and Birth Defects – Anthony Gucciardi

Pharmaceutical mammoth Pfizer faces more than 1,000 lawsuits from victims who say that the company knew about the relationship between birth defects and their #1 best-selling anti-depressant. A claim that Pfizer has, of course, battled against. Now, however, new reports have surfaced that Pfizer’s own scientific advisers were warning of the deadly link for more than a year. Something that my …

Why Big Pharma is not addressing the failure of antidepressants – Colin Hendrie And Alasdair Pickles

Around a quarter of people experience depression at some point in their lives, two-thirds of whom are women. Each year more than 11m working days are lost in the UK to stress, depression or anxiety and there are more than 6,000 suicides. The impact of depression on individuals, families, society and the economy is enormous. Front-line therapies usually include medication. All the commonly …

Link between serotonin and depression is a myth, says top psychiatrist – Ralph Turchiano

The widely held belief that depression is due to low levels of serotonin in the brain – and that effective treatments raise these levels – is a myth, argues a leading psychiatrist in The BMJ this week. David Healy, Professor of Psychiatry at the Hergest psychiatric unit in North Wales, points to a misconception that lowered serotonin levels in depression are an …

How To Detox From Fluoride

In today’s world, fluoride is hard to avoid completely. Here’s how to detox your body.  Adding fluoride to the water supplies has been called murder on a grand scale. But whether or not your town adds it to your drinking water, you’re probably ingesting this toxin every day. You’re exposed to fluoride if you take prescription drugs like Prozac, swim in pools, …

More than two thirds of people taking antidepressants ‘may NOT actually have depression’: Doctors discover many do not meet the official criteria: Experts: ‘Drugs are prescribed without an evidence-based diagnosis’

The majority of people taking antidepressants may not actually have depression, a new study claims. Researchers discovered more than two-thirds (69 per cent) of people taking antidepressants did not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder, which is also known as clinical depression. Antidepressants are also prescribed for other psychiatric disorders. But the researchers found 38 per cent of those taking …