Genetically modified organisms for pest control could end up as contaminants in agricultural products throughout the globe. “There’s a fly in my soup.” This statement conjures up the image of a dead fly in a bowl of soup rather than a genetically modified insect being served up with organic vegetables. However, this is not a totally unrealistic scenario as experimental …
Western Canada Oil Spill Drenches Birds, Will Taint Drinking Water for Months to Come
Despite a devastating pipeline leak that flooded the North Saskatchewan River with 200,000 liters of tar sands crude last Thursday, Husky Energy waited until Monday to shut down the leaking pipeline. An executive with the oil behemothsaid the company was “deeply sorry” for the incident while announcing the pipeline closure. The apology and pipeline shutdown also only occurred after two …
Global Research News Hour – Nuclear Alternatives and ‘North American Security’ – False Canadian Solutions to the Climate Crisis – 03.07.16
On this week’s Global Research News Hour, on the occasion of the March 3, 2016 meeting of Canadian federal and provincial leaders in Vancouver on to work out an agreement on a national climate change plan, we explore the implications of proposed climate solutions for the future of Canada’s nuclear industry, environment and energy security. We’ll be joined by anti-nuclear activist Candyce Paul of the Committee for Future Generations, and by political economist, professor and author Gordon Laxer.