LOA Today – 10.27.16

After an exciting announcement that we finally have gotten our podcast subscription link working on our website, we immediately dive into the role that the Law of Attraction plays in things like … well … getting podcast links to work, and dealing with cable companies and Internet Service Providers … and all of the other stuff that we often dread on a daily basis but which can surprisingly turn to our benefit simply by focusing on the positive side of things.

Nadia Prupis – AT&T Preps “Media Colossus” with Time Warner at Customers’ Expense

A mega-merger between AT&T and Time Warner, which could come as early as this weekend, would create a “media colossus” at the expense of customers and fair competition, watchdogs warned on Saturday. The companies are reportedly in “advanced talks” for AT&T to acquire Time Warner—thus taking over CNN, HBO, TBS, TNT, and Warner Brothers, among other properties—at a time when …