Progressive Radio Network

Saturday Night Live

Recent social, political and economic developments have been pointing up a long-held fact of life in America: It continues to be the land of the…
It’s official. Inaugurated at noon today, Donald J. Trump is the 45th president of the United States, and he’s chomping at the bit to “make…
Washington has recently initiated major war games in the neighborhoods and on the borders of Russia and China, the most intense martial exercises since the…
Remember how the “news” media was going on and on about the Clinton Foundation — at least when they weren’t going on and on abut…
Donald Trump has a thin skin. That personality trait is consistent with his large ego, desire to flaunt his wealth, portray himself as a playboy…
Yes, down with Kim! This was certainly the consensus among the commentariat, and by commentariat I mean specifically rightwing female columnists with terrifying byline photos.…
Step back from the campaign fray for just a moment and consider the enormity of what’s already occurred. A 74-year-old Jew from Vermont who describes…
A poll taken in Iowa before the presidential caucus found that 70 percent of Democrats surveyed trusted Hillary Clinton on foreign policy more than Bernie Sanders. But…
Bernie Sanders has made the corrupting role of money in politics a centerpiece of his campaign. He has argued that because campaign contributions by the…
During Thursday night's Democratic presidential debate, Hillary Clinton criticized Bernie Sanders' proposal for a "Medicare for All" healthcare program, stating, "the numbers just don't add…
The morning after Bernie Sanders stunning trouncing of Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, long-time political activist Alfredo Lopez, a member of the…
What is happiness [3]? This might sound like a question you’d hear come out of Derek Zoolander’s mouth [4]. But seriously, think about it. Is it a matter of…