Final Shots: the Clintons and Colombian Death Squads

From 1993 to 2001, Alexander Cockburn and I wrote dozens of articles on the political corruption of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their cronies in DC and Arkansas. In many ways, those years represented the golden age of political journalism, with a fresh scandal ripening each month. As Hillary cruises toward the Democratic nomination, if not the White House, it’s time to dig …

Five Inconvenient Truths About Hillary Clinton By Ben Burgis

Thinking about voting for Jill Stein (or any candidate not named “Hillary Rodham Clinton”) in November 2016? You probably already know that by next fall, a lot of your liberal friends and family members will be about as open to that discussion as loyal Ingsok members in 1984 were to Emmanuel Goldstein’s criticisms of Big Brother. Hell, a lot of …

Hillary finally crafts defense of her poor tenure at State Department – Niall Stanage

Hillary Clinton has started to formulate a strategy on one of the thorniest issues she will face on the campaign trail: her tenure as President Obama’s secretary of State. Republicans have ripped Clinton’s reign as the country’s top diplomat, and the 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner hasn’t yet responded directly to those salvos. “I’ve stood up to adversaries like [Russia President …