Dr. Mark Schoen, a sex educator and filmmaker, last here last year, returned. His website www.SexSmartFilms.com is the Netflix of sex education! Indeed, this website is a sex educator’s dream come true! There are some 600 films on the site – including sensate focus exercises, the science of orgasms, the true story of how babies are made, the science of attraction, and …
Love Lust And Laughter – 01.10.17
Dr. Mark Schoen, a sex educator and a filmmaker, returned to the program. His website www.SexSmartFilms.com is Netflix of sex education – and a sex educator’s dream come true! The most viewed videos – of the 430 films on the site – are the Sensate Focus Exercises, the Science of Orgasm, the True Story of How Babies are Made, the Science of Attraction, and TRANS (about transgendered folks dealing with discrimination and rejection). Under the Education category on the site is Disability. Dr. Mark has paired with Dr. Mitch Tepper to make the next documentary: “Making Love after War,” and the pilot can be viewed on SSF. We hear the story of Aaron and Kat, but these kinds of stories are heard over and over – according to the filmmaker. So much more needs to be done to help vets deal with injuries affecting their sexuality. Dr. Schoen and Dr. Tepper are helping this cause by making this film. They both will be on the program as they get closer to the conclusion. Tune in for a preview!
Love Lust And Laughter – 10.25.16
Nikki Leigh is a certified Master Sexpert and a Certified Love Coach – certified by Dr. Ava Cadell’s LOVEOLOGY U. (www.sexpert.com). Nikki is the host and producer of Ready for Love radio on New Visions Radio Network (www.readyforloveradio.com). A big mission for Nikki is helping women with strict, religious backgrounds who feel they can’t or shouldn’t enjoy sex and pleasure. Often religion can be used as a force of oppression; indeed, the Bible has many negative things to say about women and sex. Nikki’s upbringing included such messages…about how women are subservient to men and masturbation is really, really bad. Many religious women feel guilty about enjoying themselves – consequently, they may have trouble truly letting go, surrendering to orgasm. “The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life.” ~ Wilhelm Reich. Orgasm is a product of a sexually healthy lifestyle and sexual health is derived from positive sex education!
Love Lust And Laughter – 08.23.16
Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD, a world renowned urologist, returned to the program for the ninth time. His book is “The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health – How to Stay Vital at Any Age” (www.theultimateguidetomenshealth.com). The main focus of this program was porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED). A growing number of young men are convinced that their sexual responses have been …
Love Lust And Laughter – 11.24.15
Dr. Charlie Glickman (www.MakeSexEasy.com) is a sex and relationship coach, sex educator, and a sexological bodyworker – bringing to this program some fascinating areas for discussion. He and Dr. Diana looked at an important question: How do you reconnect with your pleasure? Dr. Charlie offered some great tips for sexual communication: talk when you are not having sex; talk on a car ride or on a walk (not being face to face can be helpful); say what it is you want. In general he advises: “Talking about sex is like preparing food…You have to get into the kitchen to give it a try.” Overcoming sexual shame was another topic. Guilt and shame are funny things…without them, some become sloppy and unmotivated. Yet with too much guilt and shame, folks can become at war with themselves. On his website, you will notice he offers a 30-minute consultation without cost. Part 2 will air on December 15th, and we’ll discuss prostate pleasure (his book is The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure), open relationships, and BDSM. Tune in, please!
Fearless Parent Radio – Raising Sex-Healthy Kids – 08.12.15
Guest // Jennifer Wiessner, LCSW, AASECT
Host // Carla Atherton
Sex ed. Those two words are enough to have many of us running for the hills. Fall in, parents! Kids are consuming more media than ever before and the not-so-hidden messaging about sex is everywhere. Hate to break it to you but sex education is important for children BEFORE their school’s typical initiation in fifth grade. The good news is, it’s easier to talk about sex when children are younger. Legions of parents can tell you what happens if you wait too long — the never ending eye roll isn’t the half of it.
Join host Carla Atherton and her favorite sex ed guru on kids and the “birds and the bees”:
Love Lust And Laughter – 08.04.15
Pleasure and passion is a sign of health – one of the vital signs, like your pulse rate. Dr Ava Cadell – www.sexpert.com – and Dr. Diana discussed the health benefits of sex. The latter include (all research based): a longer life, improved heart health, pain relief, better sleep, reduced stress, an improved immune system, and gains in your appearance and relationship. One female sexual health device shown on Dr. Ava’s website sexpert.com is the INTENSITY. Please go to www.pourmoi.com where you will find a device that definitely has pleasure with a purpose! Listeners may access a $50.00 off with the PROMO code 50free. The male sexual health device discussed was the PRIVATE GYM. Listeners can get this at 20% off with the PROMO code sexpert20. Dr. Diana’s interview with Dr. Ava reflected her knowledge and intelligence; indeed, she is the author of nine books! Discovering pleasure with a partner is like pouring cement into a foundation. Physical touch that leads to ecstatic release not only releases hormones and endorphins that promote health and longevity, but also serve as the basis of biological bonding.
America’s Attitude Toward Sex and Teens Is Insane – Amanda Marcotte
Throughout the Bush years, funding for programs that refused to teach contraception in lieu of telling kids to wait until marriage–known as abstinence-only programs–ballooned [3], putting a lot of schools in a situation where the only real access to sex education funding they had was federal abstinence-only money. The programs were wildly unsuccessful [4] at their supposed goals of reducing STI and teen pregnancy …