For the first half of the show, Mickey’s guests are Pratap Chatterjee and Khalil Bendib, co-authors of the new book Verax (‘truth-teller’). A nonfiction graphic ‘novel,’ Verax examines the US electronic-surveillance programs, and the whistleblowers who exposed them.Then, in the wake of the latest sexual-harassment scandals in Hollywood, media scholar Julie Frechette joins the program for a discussion of the #MeToo campaign …
Replenish Me – 03.22.18
In today’s conversation, we get real on how to own your boundaries as a woman and to “shine your light to give another woman permission to shine hers” as Lucy says! Link to Book Link to work with Lucy Download this episode (right click and save) Lucy Devi Hall is a Women’s Empowerment Educator & …
Project Censored – 03.13.18
For the first half of the show, Mickey’s guests are Pratap Chatterjee and Khalil Bendib, co-authors of the new book Verax (‘truth-teller’). A nonfiction graphic ‘novel,’ Verax examines the US electronic-surveillance programs, and the whistleblowers who exposed them. Then, in the wake of the latest sexual-harassment scandals in Hollywood, media scholar Julie Frechette joins the show for a discussion of the #MeToo campaign, and …
Leid Stories—Thuggery As Diplomacy; The Budget Bill ‘Nothing Short of Wholesale Looting’—12.20.17
In her first act as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley in January warned member-states of the international body that the Trump administration will be “taking names” of all countries ever daring to vote against it. The former governor of South Carolina this week repeated the threat in a letter to representatives of several member-states, ahead of a …