Blacks and Whites Unite Against SB277 Forced Vaccination Bill By Heather Callaghan

“This heinous bill…has now come to the attention of the black community.” Epic speech the mainstream wouldn’t cover! During the months of December 2014 through April 2015, the media, with the backing of Big Pharma through every possible means, changed the entire paradigm surrounding vaccination. It was a forceful push to embrace injections like no other that even spread abroad …

Government Removes Vaccine Injury Data By Anne Dachel

May 31, 2015, Recent Rise in Vaccine Victims’ Court Decisions and Concessions Not Reflected in Revised Government Chart In March, the federal government removed the latest vaccine injury court statistics-more than a year’s worth of data-from one of its publicly reported charts. It was an abrupt departure from the normal practice of updating the figures monthly. Wiping the latest data means the “adjudication” …