Black Agenda Radio – 05.01.17

This is Black Agenda Radio, a weekly hour of African American political thought and action. Last Monday was a very important date in the life of Mumia Abu Jamal, the nation’s best known political prisoner. Black Agenda Radio producer Kyle Fraser spoke with Dr. Johanna Fernandez, a professor of History and African American Studies at New York’s Baruch College, and …

Connect the Dots – Margaret Flowers, MD, Green Candidate for Senator – 09.14.16

Listen to Margaret Flowers, MD, co-founder of Popular Resistance and #FlushtheTPP as she discusses her Senate run in the state of Maryland. A frequent guest on Connect the Dots and a long time champion of Single Payer Health Care, Flowers will discuss with Alison Rose Levy the role of third parties in breaking the two party duopoly and the deadlock it creates for democracy and protecting our environment.