Expat Files – 07.24.16

Descriptions for THE ExPat Files Show #579

#1 Did you know experts claim the first (or second) most beautiful lake in the world is in Central America? However, only about 1 in 10000 Americans have ever even seen or heard of it. Today we’ll go there and check it out..

#2- No OSHA’s or EPA’s exist in Latin America. Though Latin Governments have lazy, blundering, useless staffs that may give lip service to those first world concepts, in reality they are beyond toothless. In many ways that can be a good thing. But then what happens when Gringos and Expats spot obvious health and safety violations up front and personal? Today we have another true story that will make you both laugh and cringe.

#3- Indigenous people are 99% Christian but they practice it with a strange twist. Today we’ll visit the drinking, smoking, gambling, womanizing bad boy saint, Maximon. He’s the undisputed patron of misdeeds, bad habits and poor lifestyle choices… and you’ll soon find out why.
#4-A few words about Air BnB’s in Latin America and the future of the hospitality business

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Johnny’s next “Latin Insider, Plan ‘B’ Seminar” will be in early January, 2017 . If you want to get on the Earlybird Discount list send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com

The Gary Null Show – 05.05.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, these are the topics Gary discussed and here are the links for you to read more:

Could Watercress be an unlikely tool in fight against smoking? Extract taken several times a day ‘DETOXIFIES carcinogens in cigarettes’

High-fat diet starves the brain

Food processing linked to an increase in type 2 diabetes

Group activities reduced depressive symptoms among older people with dementia

Toxic Weed Killer Showing Up in Some of the Most Commonly Eaten Foods in America

Greenpeace: TTIP means genetic engineering

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism Paul Craig Roberts

Gary takes a quick break and plays this classic: War – Edwin Starr. Gary goes into these topics next:

VIDEO: How the FBI Sabotaged Black America

Here is Gary’s article he spoke about that he wrote with Richard Gale:

Richard Gale and Gary Null – The Vaccine Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose

NDC Savings Club – 03.16.16

Today Show: Let it Go

Guest Speaker: Alex Acuna https://ndcsavingsclub.com/

Host and producer of the NDC Savings Club will be talking about the concept of Let it Go. Everything is energy and even our thoughts are energy fields and a lot of conditions that affect us are caused by these addicting energy fields like: Food, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Pornography, Chattering Mind, Gambling, Bad Relations, Bad Luck and many more.

Learn how we can be infected by these addicting energy fields and how you can Let it Go. Learn greatest secrets of the universe that we can literally Let it Go and create your own reality.