Norman Solomon – Spinning US Voters to Stay Passive

For a long time, as he campaigned for President, a wide spectrum of establishment media insisted that Bernie Sanders couldn’t win. Now they’re sounding the alarm that he might. And, just in case you haven’t gotten the media message yet — Sanders is “angry,” kind of like Donald Trump. Elite media often blur distinctions between right-wing populism and progressive populism …

Ask Beatty – 01.25.16

Are you taking care of your emotional, psychological and psychiatric challenges? Do you want to learn about the 8 traits of successful people and the 75 year Harvard study that found the true secrets to a fulfilling life? Tune in and listen to Beatty’s inspiring messages that could change the quality of your life and relationships forever!

Eoin Higgins – Why Sanders Will Not be the Democratic Nominee, No Matter What Happens in the Primaries

If you think Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2016, you’re out of your mind. There is no way the Democratic Party will allow that to happen, for two main reasons. First, this is Hillary’s turn to be the nominee. And although that’s pretty distasteful for many of Bernie’ supporters, it’s the truth and has been …

Fearless Parent Radio – CPS and Medical Marijuana – 12.02.15

Guests //Indra Lusero, Esq and Heather Thompson, PhD

Host // Valerie Borek, Esq

Across the country, states are legalizing marijuana use. Parents are discovering that medical marijuana can offer life-changing relief for their chronically ill children. But when child protective laws are not simultaneously updated, families can be caught in the middle.

Join co-host Valerie Borek, Esq as she interviews two activists in the trenches. They explore this disconnect, with a lively and important discussion on personal, medical, legal, and privacy rights, and how to protect our families:

How legal marijuana use can have negative consequences on families.
The importance of informed consent in maternity care.
The problems with the dissociation between criminal and child protective laws with respect to legal marijuana.
Understanding your options if you or your newborn tests positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) when you are pregnant, a parent, or breast feeding.
Understanding what we know, what we think we know, and what we believe about marijuana use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Let’s Get Progressives to Make Better Emotional Connections When They Organize – Michael Bader

As progressives, we have a huge job in front of us in the fight for economic justice. But our leaders are trying to do their work with one hand tied behind their backs. The better ones may often do quite well fighting with one hand; many cannot. The problem and solution are more obvious than they think: People become active …

Project Censored – 03.24.15

Peter, Mickey and their guests speak about independent journalism, transparency in government,
and social justice education. Abby Martin speaks about her years as host of “Breaking the Set”
on RT Television. Then Tanya Ward Jordan and Michael McCray examine new legislation meant
to enhance whistleblower protection in government and the financial sector. Finally, Sonoma State
University student Shelby Wade talks about organizing a Social Justice Week on her campus.