On this Project Censored show, the topic is immigration policy and higher education. Specifically, Nolan and Nick take a look at the DACA controversy, and how it is being reported on in the corporate media. This show also features a discussion with college student activists about these and related issues. As well, there’s a discussion of the corporate press and …
Andrea Germanos – 100 CEOs Have as Much Retirement Savings as 116 Million Americans
While many Americans are facing a “frightening retirement reality,” 100 CEOs are looking at “colossal nest eggs” and can look forward to monthly retirement checks of over $250,000 for the rest of their lives. The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) puts a spotlight on this massive savings gap in its new report (pdf), “A Tale of Two Retirements.” “While slashing …
Sarah Boseley – Baby boomers ‘should work for longer to stay healthy’
The baby boomer generation, now in their 50s to 70s, should stop thinking about putting their feet up when they retire – and maybe not retire at all for the sake of their health, according to the government’s chief medical officer. Professor Sally Davies, in her latest annual report on the health of the nation, to be published on Tuesday, …
Bill Black: Debt Derangement Syndrome – Saving Our Grandkids from Wall Street
This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 1320 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in financial realm. Please join us and participate via our Tip Jar, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why we’re doing this fundraiser, what we’ve accomplished in the last year, and our fifth goal, more …
Gray Divorce: Why Some Grandparents Are Calling It Quits
Alicia P., 66, an artist, has been married to her physician husband, Chet, 68, for 42 years. The couple had long had problems with intimacy, and Alicia complained that Chet was so involved with his medical research that family came a distant second. As long as the kids were at home, Alicia thought about divorce from time to time, but …
Sarah Lazare – A Health Care System That You Might Actually Like Isn’t as Far off as It Seems
More than 2,000 doctors across the United States have endorsed a detailed proposal [3] for transforming America’s broken for-profit health care system into a publicly funded, universal model that would knock down all barriers to treatment. Just published in the American Journal of Public Health by a 39-member Working Group on Single-Payer Program Design, and signed by a growing number of physicians and …
Wendell Potter – Is Crony Capitalism a Big Reason for America’s Dental Health Care Crisis?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wendell-potter/is-crony-capitalism-a-big_b_8433768.html For an example of how Big Money in politics is causing real harm to average Americans, look at the practice of dentistry in this country. The United States is facing a dental care crisis for a number of reasons. First, dental care has become so expensive many of us can’t afford to go the dentist. More than 130 million …
Robert Reich – “The Big Short” and Bernie’s Plan to Bust Up Wall Street
If you haven’t yet seen “The Big Short” – directed and co-written by Adam McKay, based on the non-fiction prize-winning book by Michael Lewis about the housing and credit bubble that triggered the Great Recession — I recommend you do so. Not only is the movie an enjoyable (if that’s the right word) way to understand how the big banks screwed …
Andrew Levine – The Age of Stupidity is Upon Us
What if when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked, the United States had had leaders like the ones that built the post-World War II world order? Those guys weren’t angels: they got the Cold War going, and they set the American empire on its global course. But they weren’t stupid. Even at a time when, unlike now, …
Senate Bill May Kick 200,000 Off Social Security If They Have Arrest Warrant By Steven Rosenfeld
The large transportation funding bill moving through the Senate would end Social Security benefits for 200,000 people who have an outstanding felony arrest warrant—but have never been convicted by a court, or have a warrant for violating probation or parole, according to disability rights advocates tracking the legislation. The proposal, which surfaced late Tuesday, is at odds with recent Republican statements [3] on …
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