As part of the growing need to find sustainable ways to provide organic, quality food for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors, more young people…
A group of leading soil scientists, including the University of Delaware's Donald L. Sparks, has summarized the precarious state of the world's soil resources and…
What if there were a risk-free way of helping to mitigate climate change while simultaneously addressing food and water security? A new report from the…
Imagine a wonderful world, a planet on which there was no threat of climate breakdown, no loss of freshwater, no antibiotic resistance, no obesity crisis,…
The soil is a vast living organism, stretching across continents with an interconnected ‘mind’ – a consciousness that spans countless numbers of tiny living beings.…
Scientists have discovered how aluminum, a toxic result of soil acidification, acts to reduce plant growth. The increasing human population and continuing degradation of farm soils…
Currently, 11% (2,140 of 19,515 total) of all U.S. organic farms share a watershed with active O&G drilling. Additionally, this percentage could rise up to…