Meria Heller – Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony – 12.04.16

Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony. December’s astrology. Fear/trump/massive change;Jesuits, FreeMasons,Protocols;financial system changing; beliefs vs. knowing;Mercury retrograde 19th-Jan 8; serious and confusing month;Mars in Pisces;good month to prepare and review;Venus in Aquarius;Standing Rock-civil war?January will be tumultuous;2017-a one year; endings and beginnings; releasing old ideas; weather; Sun in Capricorn 21st;astro-theology;Jupiter opposing Uranus 26th;New Moon in Cap; Uranus in …

Atlantic Ocean’s slowdown tied to changes in the Southern Hemisphere

The ocean circulation that is responsible for England’s mild climate appears to be slowing down. The shift is not sudden or dramatic, as in the 2004 sci-fi movie “The Day After Tomorrow,” but it is a real effect that has consequences for the climates of eastern North America and Western Europe. Also unlike in that movie, and in theories of …