Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Launches The World Mercury Project

Robert F Kennedy Jr. vows to change government policies that injure children. Washington, DC—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced today the launch of the World Mercury Project (WMP), a public health advocacy organization dedicated to ending exposure to neurotoxic mercury in fish, medical products, dental amalgams and vaccines. The group will focus on making sound science the driver of public policy. “We will …

Rohan Desai – Bill Gates’ Philanthropy: 30,000 Indian Girls Used as ‘Guinea Pigs’ to Test HPV Vaccine

What philanthropy has to do with vaccines, we would wonder, especially if the philanthropist is Bill Gates. The world’s richest man decided to give away the massive wealth he had amassed by selling computers. It was a philanthropy that the world had not witnessed earlier. Mr. Gates, with his wife Bellinda, built up the foundation that would dispense wealth to …

Global Alert News – 10.29.16

Defections from the ranks of the power structure continue to build. A group of CDC (Center for Disease Control) whistleblowers is now putting pressure on CDC management to start telling the truth about the systemic corruption and public deception that this government organization represents. Yet more truth-tellers will likely come forward as the CDC ship goes down. A Harvard University publication states this about climate engineering: “it can help us combat the worst effects of climate change.” How blatant can the betrayal from academia become? Massive geoengineering aerosol spraying operations around the globe continue decimate Eath’s climate and life support systems. A former NASA engineer (now working with Geoengineering Watch) gives an extremely alarming report on our disintegrating ozone layer (primarily caused by climate engineering). Madagascar is starving due to geoengineering induced record droughts. Rapidly rising sea levels are chewing away at Africa’s coastlines. Sea ice at both poles is at record low levels, and US generals say they can win WWlll with Russia. Where does this road lead? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, as well as the fight for the greater good. We must all abandon preconceptions and ideology in exchange for verifiable front-line facts. Anything short of this is completely counterproductive to the causes we claim to be fighting for. We must all stand on a foundation of facts, and make our voices heard.

Kenya: Health secretary blocks planned testing of GMO maize

The article below reports that in Kenya, the health secretary has rejected a planned trial of GM maize, “dealing a big blow to scientists and global seed companies, who have been pushing for policy change on the controversial crop science”. Note that this quote from Francis Karin, a senior research assistant at the Tegemeo Institute at Egerton University, is a …

Heart of Mind Radio – 09.09.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis continues with participants in the 11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Change the World, the UN Intenational Day of Peace, the Vigil for Peace and Ecology and the 2016 Tele-summit. Guests are Rick Ulfick, Monica Williard, Paul Sladkus, and Susana Bastarrica. Guests: Rick Ulfik is the Founder of  …

Wayne Pacelle – Elephants in Drastic Decline, Says First-Ever Pan-African Survey

The number of elephants in the African savanna is in drastic decline, their population having dwindled by 30 percent between 2007 and 2014, according to the Great Elephant Census, the first-ever pan-African survey of savanna elephants. The recently released report [3] was funded by philanthropist Paul G. Allen. This extraordinarily detailed and comprehensive effort, which required the participation of 90 scientists doing on-the-ground …

Deirdre Fulton – The Anthropocene Is Here: Humanity Has Pushed Earth Into a New Epoch

The Anthropocene Epoch has begun, according to a group of experts assembled at the International Geological Congress in Cape Town, South Africa this week. After seven years of deliberation, members of an international working group voted unanimously on Monday to acknowledge that the Anthropocene—a geologic time interval so-dubbed by chemists Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer in 2000—is real. The epoch is thought to have begun …

Joshua Krause – UN Investigating Suspicious Death Of Former UN Head, Allegedly Killed By CIA

If you asked a typical American about conspiracy theories, he or she probably wouldn’t have any trouble rattling off an extensive list of theories ranging from the Kennedy assassination to 9/11. But if there’s one potential conspiracy that most Americans are totally unaware of, it’s the supposed CIA plot to kill UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. Dag had been the Secretary …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 05.10.16

On today’s Progressive Commentary Hour, Gary spoke about these articles and spoke with Dr.Jim Garrison,

The collapse of the middle-class job

Sadistic capitalism: Six urgent matters for humanity in global crisis

Gary went to his guest now and here is his bio:

Dr. Jim Garrison is the founding President of Ubiquity University and the Wisdom School of Graduate Studies, an international school of higher education built upon innovative principles of whole brain and whole system learning. The university operates on four continents with partners in the EU, India, Mexico, South Africa, Russia, Vietnam and others. As the co-founder and President of the Gorbachev Foundation, Jim was instrumental in the founding of the State of the World Forum to lay a template for a more sustainable global civilization. In the late 80s he served as the executive director of the Esalen Institute Soviet-American Exchange, and founded the International Foreign Policy Association in collaboration with Secretary of State George Schultz and Georgian President Edward Shevardnadze. He is the author of “America as Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power? and “Civilization and the Transformation of Power” Jim has graduate degrees in religion and theology from Harvard and Cambridge universities. His websites are and

This is article Jim Garrison spoke about:

Democracies end when they are too democratic.

Jefferey Jaxen – Harvard Mumps Outbreak: The Real Story Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

Harvard University Health Services Director Paul Barreira recently stated: “I’m actually more concerned now than I was during any time of the outbreak.” Harvard isn’t the only college in the Boston area hit by mumps this spring — Boston University, the University of Massachusetts and Tufts University have also reported cases among their students. Harvard’s recent mumps outbreak has brought …