Steven Rosenfeld – 8 Ways the Super Wealthy Show Their Cruel Values and Desire to Destroy the Public’s Safety Net

The richest Americans increasingly are taking over the levers of power and shaping the political debate, despite opposing views held by a majority of Americans, a new and unprecedented academic study of the top 1 percent has confirmed. The super-rich are more politically active than average Americans, financing and contacting elected officials and knowing many on a first-name basis. Their …

Steven W Thrasher – Income inequality happens by design. We can’t fix it by tweaking capitalism

The poorest Americans have no realistic hope of achieving anything that approaches income equality. They still struggle for access to the basics he economic hoarding by those at the top has been termed “income inequality”, but that’s neither a strong nor accurate enough phrasing. I have never heard poor people complain about “income inequality”; poor people complain about being screwed …