NSA Hack Was Likely An Inside Job. Putin Was Framed, “Russia has Nothing to do with This”. NSA Whistleblowers

The mainstream press is accusing Russia of being behind the release of information on NSA hacking tools. Washington’s Blog asked the highest-level NSA whistleblower in history, William Binney – the NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, who managed six thousand NSA employees, the 36-year …

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson – Russia’s Weakness Is Its Economic Policy

According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  If Russia had adopted an intelligent economic policy, Russia’s economy would be far ahead of where it stands today.  It would have avoided most of the capital flight to the West by relying on self-finance. …

James W Carden – Magical Thinking in US Foreign Policy

Despite America’s myriad problems domestically and internationally, its geo-strategic position remains the envy of the world. Protected in the east by the Atlantic, in the west by the Pacific, to the north by Canada and to the south by Mexico, the United States is, for all intents and purposes, impervious to a foreign invasion. Its advanced and mobile nuclear arsenal …

Prof. Lawrence S. Wittner – The Trillion Dollar “Nuclear Weapons Question” the Media Have Neglected to Ask Presidential Candidates

Isn’t it rather odd that America’s largest single public expenditure scheduled for the coming decades has received no attention in the 2015-2016 presidential debates? The expenditure is for a thirty-year program to “modernize” the U.S. nuclear arsenal and production facilities. Although President Obama began his administration with a dramatic public commitment to build a nuclear weapons-free world, that commitment has long ago …

Imperial NATO: Before and After Brexit

In his first public response to the Brexit vote that has shaken Europe and much of the world, President Obama sought to reassure Americans and others. He urged us not to give into hysteria and stressed that NATO did not disappear with Brexit. The Trans-Atlantic alliance, he reminded the world, endures.1 In the face of what may be the slow motion …

PATRICK L. SMITH – We can’t have more of the same: The very real dangers of Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy

Just what we needed: another foreign policy speech from Candidate Clinton. This one arrived last Thursday in San Diego—well-chosen ground, given the Navy’s immense base on the city’s shore and the Marine Expeditionary Force garrisoned at Camp Pendleton. It has a long military tradition, San Diego, and the projection of American power is what drives the local economy. Perfect for …

VIJAY PRASHAD -The New Facade for Regime Change: a Brief History of Humanitarian Interventionism

Sitting in his presidential palace in 1991, Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein and his Culture Minister Hamad Hammadi drafted a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Hussein and Hammadi hoped that the U.S.S.R. would help save Iraq from the West’s barrage. Hammadi, who understood the shifts in world affairs, told Hussein that the war …

Stephen Lendman – The Clinton Crime Family. “Hillary is the Most Dangerous Presidential Aspirant in US History”

The Bill and Hillary crime family long ago should have been held accountable for high crimes against peace and numerous others. Hillary is the most recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history, supporting endless imperial wars and state terror, once saying “(w)hat do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life.” She endorses first-strike nuclear weapons …

The Zombie Doctrine

Crisis after crisis is being caused by a failed ideology. But it cannot be stopped without a coherent alternative. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 16th April 2016 It’s as if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name. Mention it in conversation and …

Eric Zuesse – NATO Causes Refugees, Then Uses Them As Excuse For More Invasions

NATO is the anti-Russia military club of nations, even after the communist Soviet Union and its military club against the U.S., the Warsaw Pact, ended in 1991 — NATO didn’t reciprocate that by ending itself, as it should have done (and would have done if the U.S. President at the time, George Herbert Walker Bush, had had any basic decency; instead, …