Expat Files – 11.01.15

-Today we discuss the low key artistry of certain very gifted Latins. Many are old timers carrying the final artistic torch. They often seem to be a world apart from us – living as they did in the 1960’s while staunchly preserving their (soon to be lost) art or craft. Today we highlight one particular guy who makes some of the finest custom 100% hand-built electric guitars and wood instruments in the world. When he gets an order, he does all of the woodcraft artistry himself then has a crack young 20 something electronics expert do the pickups and hot wiring.

-If your own expat business ideas involve exporting of rainforest hardwood or hardwood products, be aware that new, stiff, USA and European customs regulations on most all organic products can be so stifling as to make such efforts impossible to accomplish. Today we present an example…

-As more and cheaper Chinese made products enter Latin America, the locals down here are slowly forsaking their own fine local furniture and handicrafts for cheap particleboard junk. Sure it can look decent when new but also might falls apart in record time … sound familiar?

-The trouble with Latin American road construction and why no one down here seems to understand the basics of the problem…

-When first-world franchises first arrive in Latin America, they almost always succeed (the “Gringo Advantage” rides again). However, some of the first-world habits and customs that often tag along for the ride never really catch on down here, yet they still remain as anomalies. When something simple to us doesn’t catch on it’s generally because of a cultural disparity. Here’s a good example…

Expat Files – 10.02.15

-A discussion on how over the years things in Latin American have changed so much for the better regarding Expat gringos. But still there are so many new Expats that just don’t listen to good advice. Many continue to spin their wheels for a year or two (or five). They keep making the same mistakes I did when I first came down 25 years ago.

-Not only is there a lot of bad advice out there: lots of it is coming from part-time expats and bloggers with little “boots on the ground” experience and almost none have explored much “off the gringo tourist trail”. Much of the bad stuff is coming from people who are just trying to sell you stuff. That’s why today I’m suggesting you check out a valuable expat website www.thenewexpat.com
Its run by John Galt? Who is John (Juan )Galt? I know him personally. He’s the gringo Expat running, blogging and posting on that site (among others). John was one of my original Latin American seminar attendees who ended up moving down permanently a few years ago and since has become an absolute wealth of practical expat information. Do check it out. Note the site is not glitzy or polished but for content comes highly recommended. In fact, its popular enough to have been hacked recently by Russians, Ovomitoids, or who knows?

-More tips, tales and crazy stories that can only happen in Latin America

Expat Files – 09.27.15

Announcing Johnny’s January 2016 LATIN AMERICAN “Boots on the ground” SEMINAR:
-More on the sensitive and controversial subject of bringing your young kids down to Latin America to live.

-Some amazing private “helicopter school” stories direct from the expat gringo teacher’s mouth … along with some advice for gringos whose kids may soon be enrolling in such places

-It can only happen in Latin America: tips, tales and crazy stories

Would you like a 1 on 1 personal Skype or phone consult with me? We can set up time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American plans. Just put the word “CONSULT” in the subject line and send a short list of your questions and talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

Expat Files – 08.30.15

-In Latin America, more and more nearly forgotten first-world has-been personalities, lecturers (and faded dinosaurs of rock) are showing up here and there. They’re doing a re-heated hash of their once popular old and moldy seminars and tours. Nope, these folks have not faded into the sunset kindly, instead they’ve found a second life in the 3rd world, a lucky way to cash in on their long past glories.

-Certain adventurous and astute stateside people (and their promoters) have figured out the famous first-world “lag-time effect” combined with the gringo advantage can mean more than a “dead cat bounce”. It often can mean a brand new wave of popularity and success for gringos (even if their Spanish languages skills are nil)

-Today we see Expat Eddie stumbling along trying to use a very effective type of Latin Craig’s list website called www.OLX.com. In this new adventure Eddie’s uses the website to locate and buy a used high-end elliptical trainer. As usual the story has some surprising twists and unexpected turns. Only in Latin America!


Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.

Leid Stories – 08.27.15

My Cab Ride From Hell: A Political Metaphor
A harrowing cab ride home one rainy night is recalled as a perfect metaphor for where we are as a nation: Relegated to the back seat as mere passengers, we’re in the hands of a government that can’t see where it’s going but won’t take directions.
In the real-life story about the cab ride, Utrice makes an inspired decision and gets home. Politically speaking, she asks, are we as a nation prepared to do the same?

Junk food ads on TV tend to target African-American and Latino youth

One way to fight health disparities and obesity may be to turn off the TV. Food companies disproportionately target television advertising for unhealthy products like candy and sugary drinks to Latino and African-American youth, new research shows. African-American children and teens in the U.S. are more than twice as likely to see an advertisement for candy and soda on TV …

Expat Files – 08.16.15

-There are many potential problems with Latina/Gringo love matches… let me count the ways: Gringo/Latin romantic relationships face many cultural clashes(i.e. religion, language, music, family, friends, Exes, etc.) Even so, long term gringos will freely admit the mistakes they’ve made in that regard seem to start early- often they were a bit desperate and lonely upon arrival in Latin America, looking for love in all the wrong place

-How about the countless cases where a good and generous gringo boyfriend and/or husband ends up as a perpetual meal ticket for his Latin lady’s extended family? That common situation often causes much friction and eventual breakup

-What happens when a Gringo ends up in Latin family court?
Just lately, Latin family courts have been stacked with female judges. Thus, after decades of all male macho rule and edict Latin women are finally getting a shot at ending, or at least limiting, centuries of cart blanche “testosterone” rule of law. So these days, as far as family court, for men the pendulum often swings the other way. Women are now capable of getting a sort of legal revenge… and men are yelling foul. Sound familiar?

-A clueless, stupid Gringo gets nailed in Latin Family Court: a true story


Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.

Expat Files – 08.07.15

-What’s the story on childhood vaccinations in Latin America?

How many shots are required and at what intervals? Are all kids required to get them? Can parents opt their kids out or otherwise get around it? Is 3rd world lax about it or is there 1st world Nazi-style enforcement? Do Latins even understand the controversy around vaccines, their adjutants and toxic additives?

-A Latin American real estate update:

The real estate bubble seems to creeping all over Latin America. Its settling in while simultaneously straining and cracking around the edges. Meanwhile, since no one’s got the money or credit to buy (except certain gringos and Europeans) it’s turning into an unbelievable renter’s market. There are great deals for those with patience, a good eye and adequate “boots on the ground”. However, don’t expect to get any great deals surfing the net in Cleveland whist sitting on the sofa eating bon-bons. Note that what rents for $1000 a month on the net you can usually negotiate in person down to $600.

-Beware of glossy ads with happy gringo faces selling and promoting real estate projects and developments. When the gringos are in the sales and promo end you can predict just one thing- a top of the local Latin land and housing market is near.

-More solid proof that the gringo advantage is alive and well (when off the gringo tourist trail). Today we have more expat stories proving a 1st world type Big Brother state Latin style is far, far off in the future.


Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.