Harriet Marsden – The 4 things people need to enjoy work

A standard 9-5 office job can be very detrimental to your health. Sitting behind a desk without regular movement, staring at screens, canteen eating and caffeine slumps can all contribute to an unhealthy physical lifestyle. Meanwhile, disruption to natural circadian rhythms and sunlight deprivation negatively affect mental and emotional wellbeing. In the ‘gig economy’, zero-hours contracts, the lack of contractual stability, poor economic …

Nika Knight – ‘Be Afraid’: Largest Corporations Wealthier Than Most Countries

Corporations are running the world, according to new figures released Monday from the U.K.-based Global Justice Now. “As multinationals increasingly dominate areas traditionally considered the primary domain of the state, we should be afraid.” —Aisha Dodwell, Global Justice Now The economic and social justice advocacy group discovered (spreadsheet) that the ten largest corporations are wealthier than most countries in the world combined. …