Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: a Black activist announces her campaign for the U.S. senate, at a Black is Back Coalition electoral politics school in St. Louis; a Black prosecutor in Virginia explains why its important to make cops accountable when they …
Ask Beatty – 04.02.18
EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS……….. Can Couples Survive an Extramarital Affair? Beatty discussed: 1. Infidelity Statistics 2. If You Want to Save Your Marriage 3. 6 Steps of Recovery 4. Sex After an Affair To Life and Love, XxxxBeatty Download this episode (right click and save)
Ask Beatty – 03.26.18
LET’S TALK ABOUT EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS Beatty talked about the incidence of extramarital affairs and the reasons why people CHEAT. What should women and men do if they discover that their spouse is having an affair? Can marriages survive an affair? Tune in to a show that will hopefully answer most if not all of your questions about extramarital affairs. …
The Vinyl Experience – 04.21.17
Todd Snider: Vinyl Records Reunion: Life Is A Rock (But The Radio Rolled Me) Richie Family: Best Disco In Town Glen Miller Orchestra: Juke Box Saturday Night Joan Jett: I Love Rock & Roll Kinks: Jukebox Music Corrine Bailey Rae: Put Your Records On Aerosmith: Big Ten Inch Chuck Berry: Roll Over Beethoven Sam Cooke: Having A Party Elvis Costello: …
All signs point to a corporate takeover of the marijuana industry by Bayer, Monsanto
Following months of negotiations and various offers, Germany-based Bayer has finally sealed the deal with Monsanto, purchasing the seed giant for $66 billion. The merger is reported to be the largest all-cash deal on record. The purchase means a lot of things, and none of them good for consumers. For one, it strengthens the monopolization of the world’s food supply. …
One of the criteria the Food and Drug Administration considers when deciding whether or not to approve a GMO is called “substantial equivalence.” This means the nutritional profile and toxicity levels of the modified plant are within the same range as a non-modified plant. When a new strain of corn is similar enough to the original to demonstrate substantial equivalence, …
Sarah Lazare – Are Obama’s Immigration Prisons for Families Legitimate ‘Child Care Facilities’? Judge Says No
Nearly 500 mothers incarcerated with their children at euphemistically-termed immigrant family detention centers in Texas were released over the weekend following a judge’s ruling that such prisons cannot operate as childcare facilities. The advocacy organization Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) reports that Immigration and Customs Enforcement “hurriedly released over 460 mothers and children from Karnes …
Ken Roseboro – Largest-ever study finds GM crops increased herbicide use by 28 percent
A new study has found that widespread adoption of genetically modified crops has increased the use of weed-killing herbicides as weeds become more resistant, while decreasing the use of insecticides. University of Virginia economist Federico Ciliberto led the largest study of genetically modified crops and pesticide use to date, alongside Edward D. Perry of Kansas State University, David A. Hennessy …
Winona LaDuke – Slow, Clean, Good Food
In an impressive fossil fuels travel day, I left the Standing Rock reservation and flew to Italy for the International Slow Food gathering known as Terra Madre. A world congress of harvesters, farmers, chefs and political leaders, this is basically the World Food Olympics. This is my fifth trip to Italy for Slow Food. I first went with Margaret Smith, …
Jenny Miller – Buyer Beware: An Historical Look at Bayer’s Unethical Practices
This lengthy investigation into the history of Bayer’s unethical practices was prompted by the proposed expansion of its plant in Berkeley in the 90s. I’m republishing it now due to the proposed sale of Monsanto to Bayer AG. In addition to examining Bayer’s major role during the Nazi period, the article looks at other human rights and environmental violations by …