In America today we are witnessing what could be called an uncivil war; one in which a massive divide exists between elements of this government, the business sector and the people of America; where little to no common ground or compromise on key issues can be found and the opposing factions are aggressively battling each other. Within this government the …
America’s Cities Mirror Baltimore’s Woes – Joel Kotkin
The rioting that swept Baltimore the past few days, sadly, was no exception, but part of a bigger trend in some of our core cities towards social and economic collapse. Rather than enjoying the much ballyhooed urban “renaissance,” many of these cities are actually in terrible shape, with miserable schools, struggling economies and a large segmented of alienated, mostly minority …
Bacterial flora of remote tribespeople carries antibiotic resistance genes
Scientists have found antibiotic resistance genes in the bacterial flora of a South American tribe that never before had been exposed to antibiotic drugs. The findings suggest that bacteria in the human body have had the ability to resist antibiotics since long before such drugs were ever used to treat disease. The research stems from the 2009 discovery of a …
A small number of American preschool children on Medicaid are using psychotropic drugs, including antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and medications for attention-deficit disorder, despite limited evidence they are safe or effective. “Because we don’t have indications in our data, it is not entirely clear why these children are receiving psychotropic drugs,” says lead author Lauren Garfield, who was a postdoctoral research associate …
Cops in this Small Town have 35,000 Open Arrest Warrants, That’s 26 Warrants per Citizen!
If you want to know what a corrupt police state of revenue collecting, citation addicted bureaucrats look like, look in Missouri. A recent report showed that there were 23,457 arrest warrants pending in Pine Lawn Municipal Court in St. Louis County. That’s about 7.3 per resident. However, Pine Lawn is far from the worst. The town of Country Club Hills has over 35,000 …