Ask The Blood Detective – Probiotic – everything I need to know and more – 04.29.17

Join Dr. Michael Wald, the blood detective, as he talks about the following essential concepts regarding the use and miss use of probiotic supplements. What are probiotics?, Where do probiotics come from? Typical probiotic strains, which probiotic strains are best for what health problems? Should probiotics be rotated? Should probiotics be taken with stomach acid or pancreatic enzymes? Visa and more topics not commonly heard will be discussed by Dr. WALD based on what you wanted to know about probiotics. Dr. Michael Wald is director of Longevity services at Integrated nutrition amount KISCO located in Westchester New York, one hour north of New York City. You may call Dr. WALD at 914-242-8844. His email is: His website is: Dr. WALD is a doctor in holistic nutrition, a doctor of chiropractic, earned his M.D. degree and is a dietitian, board certified nutritionist and clinical nutritional specialist.

The Gary Null Show – 02.06.17

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing covering the topics of Fiber, Find out what you should be taking twice a week for six months. What can you start doing to improve brain flow. In the second half of the program Gary tosses around the idea of what it would be like if Clinton were elected. Gary also plays an important audio clip by The David Pakman Show talking on Does Donald Trump Know How to Read?

Lambert Strether – “The Narrative,” Neoliberalism, and Identity Politics

I should start by saying that the headline isn’t exactly clickbait, because who writes clickbait on Boxing Day anyhow, but it does oversell what I’m about to write, which is not a Grand Unified Theory mutually contextualizing all three topics — perhaps another time — but a consideration of each topic, in linear order. That is, first I’ll consider “The …

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 05.23.16

Bernie Sanders LGBT National Outreach Coordinator
Guest 1: Sarah Scanlon – Formerly the Arkansas State Director with Bernie Sanders and now serves as the LGBTQ outreach director. She lives in Little Rock with her wife and child and will be in California until the election on June 7.

Long Beach Gay Pride sees “New Right” White Supremacists at Parade
Guest 2: Anonymous leader of Hate Group debates Harrison on the word “homosexuality” in the Bible.

Sand Wars, Bernie Sanders Star Wars spoof Big online hit
Guest 3: Shane Barbera – Is a comedic writer/filmmaker and the creator of the animated web series Bernie Sand Wars, which can be seen on or”

Human impact has created a ‘plastic planet

Planet Earth’s oceans and lands will be buried by increasing layers of plastic waste by the mid-century due to human activity, according to research led by the University of Leicester. A new study, which has been published in the journal Anthropocene, examines the evidence that we now live in the Anthropocene, an epoch where humans dominate the Earth’s surface geology, …

Isaiah J. Poole – Millennials in Poll Fake Right, Go Left

At first glance, a poll released this week by USA Today and Rock the Vote, done by Ipsos, seems to confound our narrative that a majority of millennials identify more with progressives than conservatives. In fact, when asked that question point-blank when it comes to economic policy, 38 percent of respondents in the poll identified as conservative to some degree, …

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Can Inequality Drive Systemic Change? – 01.06.16

After finally realizing that our economic system is designed to keep us away from the fruits of our labors, citizens will hopefully rise up and start working to manifest the sort of sustainable changes that are truly possible if we work together. Ellen speaks with noted author and co-Founder of the Labor Institute, Les Leopold, about how the market mechanics of inequality have succeeded over the past 40 years and what we can do collectively to bring about real change. She also discusses her latest article about the looming crisis that could be triggered by the new practice of bailing-in depositor money to save failing banks. And Matt Stannard delivers some words about money from the mouths of historical figures.

Vandana Shiva – ‘Free Basics’ Will Take Away More Than Our Right to the Internet

As the TRAI decides the fate of Free Basics, Mark Zuckerberg is in India with ₹100 crore, in pocket change, for advertising. Facebook’s Free Basics is a repackaged, or in other words, a system where Facebook decides what parts of the internet are important to users. Reliance, Facebook’s Indian partner in the Free Basics venture, is an Indian mega-corporation with interests …