Let’s Create A Better World – 11.08.17

 More than anything else, eating meat contributes heavily to global warming and climate change. Jane Velez-Mitchell, animal rights activist and journalist, author and widely known for her work on television including specials on CNN, talks about how eating meat also causes major health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, dementia and alzheimer’s.  Jane also talked about what we can …


A new You Tube series, “Don’t Shoot The Messenger” has the internet buzzing over it’s witty writing, interesting characters and the real challenges deaf people experience ranging from limited professional opportunities (including lack of casting deaf actors in roles for the deaf), corporations and accommodations to the indescribably mindless questions persons with hearing impairments and deafness field like; “can you drive a …

Dennis J Bernstein – What DeVos Might Do to Public Schools

With only days to go before Donald Trump is sworn is as President and with his Cabinet choices now undergoing confirmation, a major area of concern is what impact billionaire Betsy DeVos will have as Education Secretary. She is an outspoken supporter of school vouchers and thus seen by many educators as a threat to public schools. I spoke to …

My Mother’s First Love at Age 93, by Caroline Leavitt

My mother falls in love for the first time at 93. She is not a woman who believes in love. Jilted at 19, she marries my father on the rebound, quickly realizing her error. He’s a man who can sulk for days, who yells at her because she has forgotten to compliment his mother on dinner, or because she spends too …

Valerie Strauss – Why school is a ‘confusing mental mish-mash’ for kids

Marion Brady is a veteran educator who has long argued that public education needs a paradigm shift. Here is a new piece in which he explains why schools need a complete transformation in what and how students learn, and why the Common Core State Standards, standardized tests and other elements of corporate-influenced school reform can’t accomplish this. Brady says that …

Jeff Bryant – America’s Schools Are Falling Apart—The Country’s Public Schools Need Huge Investment

You’ve probably heard about the fierce battle [3] over school bathrooms raging across the country. It’s an important story for sure because transgender students should not be blocked from entering facilities of their gender identity. But the current fight over gender equity shouldn’t take away from another bathroom battle taking place in our nation’s public schools: whether students have access to a functioning …

Rachel M. Cohen – School Closures: A Blunt Instrument

n 2013, citing a $1.4 billion deficit, Philadelphia’s state-run school commission voted to close 23 schools—nearly 10 percent of the city’s stock. The decision came after a three-hour meeting at district headquarters, where 500 community members protested outside and 19 were arrested for trying to block district officials from casting their votes. Amid the fiscal pressure from state budget cuts, …

Jennifer Berkshire – How Parents May Be Signing Their Children’s Rights Away by Enrolling Them in Charter Schools

Here’s a question for you: If you dramatically scale up schools in which students have fewer rights than students who attend traditional public schools, with what do you end up? If you answered “more students with fewer rights,” congratulations — you have won the opportunity to learn more on this important, yet little discussed topic. Dr. Preston Green [3] is a professor …

When It Comes to Public Schooling, US Gets a Failing Grade

When it comes to supporting public education and investing in opportunities for students in K-12 schools, most of the U.S. gets a failing grade. The Network for Public Education (NPE), a reform group co-founded by education advocate Diane Ravitch, on Tuesday issued its annual “state report card,” analyzing states on six criteria: resistance to privatization, the professionalization of teaching, school …

Valerie Strauss – A primer on the damaging movement to privatize public schools

When, about 30 years ago, corporate interests began their highly organized, well-funded effort to privatize public education, you wouldn’t have read or heard about it. They didn’t want to trigger the debate that such a radical change in an important institution warranted. If, like most pundits and politicians, you’ve supported that campaign, it’s likely you’ve been snookered. Here’s a quick …