This Is What Obama Was Doing During The Democratic Debate

If you missed the third democratic debate, don’t worry, you are not alone: the President himself had much more important pursuits to attend to when the potential successor from his party was laying out her (or his) ideological vision for the future of America. As Politico reports: On his first full day of his annual Christmas vacation in Hawaii, President …

Vermont Teen Forcibly Drugged and Incarcerated By DCF Wants to Come Home for 18th Birthday

A judge has ruled that Vermont teen Elissa Maple be returned home on her 18th birthday, which is July 1, but DCF is fighting the ruling, even allegedly attempting bribery of the teenager to get her to voluntarily sign over her rights on her birthday. If she does so, they can keep her in the system for an additional 3 years. Elissa has spent …