John Michael Greer – The Last Refuge of the Incompetent

There are certain advantages to writing out the ideas central to this blog in weekly bursts. Back in the days before the internet, when a galaxy of weekly magazines provided the same free mix of ideas and opinions that fills the blogosphere today, plenty of writers kept themselves occupied turning out articles and essays for the weeklies, and the benefits …

Tattoos Last, and So Does the Pain for 1 in 10 By Dr. Joseph Mercola

About one in five US adults, or 21 percent, has at least one tattoo. This is up from 14 percent in 2008, according to a Harris poll.1Tattoos have been around for more than 5,000 years. They were used in ancient Egypt as a way to identify peasants and slaves.2 They were discovered on a 5,000-year-old frozen mummy identified as the …

The Geopolitics of American Global Decline By Alfred W. McCoy

A glance at what passes for insider “wisdom” in Washington these days reveals a worldview of stunning insularity. Take Harvard political scientist Joseph Nye, Jr., known for his concept of “soft power,” as an example. Offering a simple list of ways in which he believes U.S. military, economic, and cultural power remains singular and superior, he recently argued that there was no …

A statistical study of first-year college rape

Beginning in the fall when they arrived on campus and continuing through the following summer, 18.6 percent of freshmen women surveyed at a university in upstate New York in 2010 endured at least one — completed or attempted rape, according to a new study that is the is the first to examine the risk of sexual attack on first-year women …

Lab Tests: McDonald’s ‘Devastates’ Gut Health in 10 Days – Anthony Gucciardi

We all know food at McDonald’s is virtually unfit for human consumption. Now, disturbing new lab results have reportedly demonstrated the true extent of the damage you are doing to your body when you eat fast food. Specifically, we’re talking about the ‘devastation’ of your gut health — the attack on the most important part of your biological immune response. In a …

How much student testing is too much? – RENEE SCHOOF

If it’s springtime, it must be standardized testing time in schools across the country. It’s also when the debate over whether students are inundated with too many tests becomes hot. Experts say testing is up. Parents who want their children to skip the tests say their ranks are growing. Lawmakers say they’re hearing a loud message about too much unnecessary …

Can Self-Compassion Improve Well-Being in Teens?

Teenagers today face many challenges, often including intense expectations and pressures from their parents, teachers, and friends. Sometimes, however, their harshest critics are not any of these other people, but themselves. Could self-compassion help? In the first study, published this year in The Journal of Positive Psychology, Karen Bluth and Priscilla Blanton surveyed students in middle and high school about their levels of positive …

Federal Report: The College Debt Bubble Is Collapsing Now: 33% Of All Student Loans Are Delinquent On Repayments

With all of that job creation being claimed by the Obama administration and disseminated by mainstream media outlets as signs of a sustained recovery you’d think most college graduates would have no trouble keeping up with their bills. But new data released by the Department of Education tell a different story. According to the report as many as 33% of American college …

The Capitalist Takeover of Higher Education

The great under-reported crime against education by corporate America is not the buying and selling of schools by for-profit corporations; that this is a significant threat to education is indubitable and well-documented. But the little-discussed threat to education is the deliberate “hollowing-out” of education from within—i.e. by the philosophy which views education, especially at and up through the community-college level, …