Do you remember the subprime mortgage meltdown from the last financial crisis? Well, this time around we are facing a subprime auto loan meltdown. In recent years, auto lenders have become more and more aggressive, and they have been increasingly willing to lend money to people that should not be borrowing money to buy a new vehicle under any circumstances. …
“Liar Loans” Are Back! 2008 Here We Come
Earlier this year, as the US auto sales miracle unfolded on the back of record loan terms and record high average monthly payments, we continually argued that underwriting standards were likely to deteriorate going forward as competition for the finite pool of creditworthy borrowers heats up. Helping to drive (no pun intended) the shift towards looser lending standards is the …
Rumbling of War on the Horizon – 03.06.15
The emphasis today is on ‘War’. War is the theme of the Wake-Up Call for 2015 and we examine the background and possible prelude to the outbreak of such a war. We look at previous examples of war (Civil War, WW1 & 2) and find similarities in the lead-up to hostilities. Possible scenarios to look out for. The use of terrorism ( a straw man, if ever there was one) and fear-mongering by governments to pacify potential trouble-makers who oppose war. The pernicious effects of renewed subprime lending, already ramped up to levels not seen since the 2008 financial crisis.