OWEN MATTHEWS – Erdoğan and Putin reignite the bromance

ISTANBUL — The long-standing friendship between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is due to resume after a 10-month interruption as the two strongmen meet for a summit in St. Petersburg Tuesday. Relations between the presidents of Russia and Turkey have been frayed since last November when Turkish F-16s downed a Russian bomber that strayed over the Syrian-Turkish border. But now, …

Andre Damon – Democratic Party’s anti-Putin rhetoric prepares escalation of Syrian War

On Friday evening, the New York Times published a lead story under the headline, “Russian Spies Said to Hack Systems Used in Clinton’s Run,” alleging that hackers associated with the Russian government infiltrated computer systems linked with the campaign of Hillary Clinton. This inflammatory piece was the latest in a series of articles and columns that have appeared over the past several …

Project Censored – 01.19.16

Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with historian Laurence Shoup. Shoup’s new book, Wall Street’s Think Tank, is a study of the Council on Foreign Relations; Shoup describes the CFRas “the most influential private organization in the country,” and traces how it connects major U.S.corporations with government, academia, and media.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – Turkish-ISIL Oil Trade: Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Russia All Accuse Turkey of Smuggling Oil

Because of the Turkish government’s role in the multi-spectrum US-led war against the Syrian Arab Republic, a war of words has ignited between Ankara and Moscow. Russia, however, is not alone in accusing Turkey of being involved in the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil. Turkish opposition politicians, Turkish media, and various governments in the Middle East have also raised …