Progressive Radio Network

Super Tuesday

They are “front runners” in the 2016 presidential race, having racked up impressive wins in the primaries and caucuses held thus far. But that doesn’t…
No surprise, really, in how things turned out yesterday--Donald Trump triumphed in three of five states, Florida, Illinois and North Carolina; Marco Rubio lost his…
Several members of the Republican foreign policy elite recently announcedthey’ll refuse to vote for Donald Trump if he’s the Republican nominee – with some going so…
It’s Super Tuesday (the third for this election cycle), and Democratic and Republican presidential candidates are in make-or-break primaries in delegate-rich Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri…
A few weeks ago, following the Republican Iowa caucuses, I pointed out an eerie correlation in the voting data. It seems that Donald Trump performed the best in places where middle-aged whites are dying…
Election madness continues in the aftermath of Super Tuesday. Bernie Sanders defies the odds by carrying four states (and almost Massachusetts). Donald Trump blows away…
Election 2016: The Duopoly’s Super Tuesday Wins and What They Mean for the Rest of Us Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s big wins in the…
Election 2016: On Super Tuesday, An Alternative to the Quadrennial Charade It’s The Big Day in the 2016 presidential election. Bipartisan primaries and caucuses in…
What’s Your Vote? It’s ‘Super Thursday’ on Leid Stories! Ahead of the March 1 “Super Tuesday” runoffs in 12 states that will play a key…
Follies 2016: The Duopoly Is Taking Care of Business. What’s Our Plan? As Democrats and Republicans rev up their pitched battle for the White House,…
Election Primaries 2016: The Republicans’ Offensive Counteroffensive to the Democrats' Shenanigans The presidential race is at full throttle. Skirmishes earlier this month in Iowa and…