It was one of our team’s weirder investigative discoveries: The recently departed Justice Antonin Scalia– aleha hashalom— in 2011, was ticketed for recklessly driving his black BMW. To his family, I offer condolences. To my readers, I offer the facts. A man’s soul must be laid to rest, but history must not be buried as well, especially now that the Justice’s …
ROBERT REICH – The Death of the Republican Party
I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization. It died in 2016. RIP. It has been replaced by warring tribes: Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science. Libertarians opposed to any government constraint on private behavior. Market fundamentalists convinced the “free market” can do no …
Attacks on Planned Parenthood Are Devastating Women’s Choice, New Study Confirms
A new study confirms that politically-motivated attacks on Planned Parenthood are hurting low-income women, who are losing out on access to birth control as clinics are increasingly forced to reduce their shutter their doors. Texas, where the conservative legislature has led a campaign to defund the public health organization, has seen “adverse changes in the provision of contraception” in the …
Black Agenda Radio – 02.01.16
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective.
– The U.S. Supreme Court has given hope to thousands of prison inmates who were sentenced to life without possibility of parole for crimes committed when they were juveniles. The High Court ruled that such sentences are unconstitutionally cruel and unusual punishment. One of those who might win release from prison is Kerry Shakaboona Marshall, a Pennsylvania inmate who was sentenced to life more than 25 years ago, at age 17. Marshall is a contributor to Prison Radio and editor of a magazine. He was interviewed by Prison radio’s Noelle Hanrahan.
– Teams of experts from the United Nations held hearings last week on human rights violations against Black people in the United States. Testimony was heard in Jackson, Mississippi, Baltimore, Chicago, and New York City. Efia Wangaza, a people’s lawyer and director of the Malcolm X Center for Self-Determination, in Greenville, South Carolina, has been taking Black grievances to the United Nations for years. We asked Wangaza what the UN human rights officials wanted to talk about?
– A People’s Tribunal has convicted Michigan governor Rick Snyder, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and two state appointed emergency financial managers, of crimes against humanity. The officials were charged with poisoning Flint’s water supply and cutting off water to tens of thousands of poor people in Detroit, among other crimes.
What you will hear is, a juror, Claire McClinton, rendering the guilty verdict; the judge, Rev. Bill Wylie Kellermann, whose church served as the courthouse, handing down the sentence against the official wrongdoers; and Monica Lewis-Patrick, a co-founder of We the People of Detroit, on how to follow up on the convictions. First, Ms. McClinton,
– Noted Black public intellectual Adolph Reed, a political scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, is supporting Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination, and he is not too happy about writer Ta-Nehisi Coates recent criticism of Sanders for opposing Reparations for Black Americans. Dr. Reed recently appeared on Doug Henwood’s WBAI Radio program, in New York.
– Representatives of the various warring parties in Syria are gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, for what some people are wishfully calling “peace talks.” Black Agenda Report editor and columnist Ajamu Baraka doesn’t expect much to come out of the talks.
– Much of the population of Haiti is celebrating the cancellation of elections that were scheduled for last week. The previous attempt at presidential elections, in October, was so blatantly crooked, that no one but the U.S. backed regime believed the results, and the number two candidate refused to take part in a run-off. Negotiations are now taking place on who will make up a transition government until honest elections can be held. The last time there was an honest vote in Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide was elected president. However, Aristide and his Fanmi Lavalas Party were overthrown by a U.S.-backed coup in 2004. Pierre Labossiere, of the Haiti Action Committee, says the people are determined to have a say in the next government in Haiti.
Economic Update – Fighting Rightist Economics – 01.17.16
Updates on worker actions by UK’s “junior doctors” and Detroit teachers, Flint’s poisoned water, Supreme Court struggle. More on US govt subsidy of religion. Interview on worker coops with Michael Johnson author of new book.
Colorado Celebrates Legalization Anniversary: Massive Drop in Arrests and Millions in Tax Revenue
More than three years have passed since Colorado residents voted to legalize marijuana, which immediately allowed adults to possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana. This past New Year’s Day marked the two year anniversary[3] of adults being able to legally buy marijuana in Colorado. The policy is still in its formative stage, but the first year after marijuana sales [4] started in Colorado …
Resistance Radio – Michael Robinson – 01.03.16
Michael Robinson’s work focuses on the protection and recovery of top predators like Mexican gray wolves and jaguars. He has been associated with the Center for Biological Diversity since its founding and joined the staff in 1997. Michael holds a master’s degree in literature from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a bachelors from the University of Texas at Austin; he is also the author of a well-reviewed book on the history of wolves in the United States called Predatory Bureaucracy: The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West(University Press of Colorado, 2005).
Martha Rosenberg – Are You Taking These New Drugs From Our Brave New FDA?
Most doctors and patients assume the FDA would not approve an unsafe drug. But Vioxx, Bextra, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Seldane, Hismanal, Darvon, Mylotarg, Lotronex, Propulsid, Raxar, phenylpropanolamine (PPA), phenacetin and Redux were all “safe” until they were withdrawn. Others like Paxil, Avandia, Cylert, Ketek and Xarelto are under severe safety clouds. There was a time when the FDA would not …
kristina marusic – Almost 400 Anti-Abortion Bills Were Introduced In The U.S. In 2015
Choosing whether or not to have children is a constitutional right for women in the U.S. Since anti-choice activists can’t undo the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that recognized that fact, they’ve partnered with lawmakers across the country in their efforts to gradually chip away at that right on a state-by-state level — with an alarming rate of aggressiveness in 2015. According to a …
Tom Carter – World Socialist Web Site
With the death toll from police brutality continuing to mount, the US Supreme Court on Monday issued a decision expanding the authoritarian doctrine of “qualified immunity,” which shields police officers from legal accountability. When a civil rights case is summarily dismissed by a judge on the grounds of “qualified immunity,” the case is legally terminated. It never goes to trial …