Experts Admit Conspiracy Theorists Right About Rigged Stock Market: “The Dirty Secret Is Out”

Are there really secret manipulations of the economy going on in the shadows of Wall Street and Washington? Do bears crap in the woods? The NY Post’s controversial columnist John Crudele has thrown down the gauntlet, declaring that the market is rigged. And not only does everyone know it, but it is now being admitted. The stock market is rigged. When I started making …

The Great Middle Class Extinction: “95% of New Homes Built for Rich or Poor”

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times all over again. “Since 2000, 95 percent of new households in King County have been either rich or poor. A mere 5 percent could be considered middle income.” That is a statistic reportedly true of Seattle – the heart of King County in Washington state – but which …