MARTHA ROSENBERG – RONNIE CUMMINS – Dangerous Liaisons: ChemChina’s Bid for Syngenta

ChemChina wants to acquire the makers of atrazine, bee pesticides and Golden Rice Switzerland-based Syngenta AG is best known for its top-selling herbicide, atrazine; for trying to fool the world into thinking its genetically engineered Golden Rice will save the world; and for taking out pollinators with its neonicotinoid pesticides. The global agro-toxics corporation, which produces agrochemicals, seeds and GMOs, was …

Organic Farmers Score New Victory in ‘David and Goliath’ GMO Fight

Organic farmers are racking up new victories in the fight against ‘franken-food’, as a growing number of counties line up to bar genetically engineered (GE) crop cultivation throughout the country. A federal judge in Jackson County, Oregon recently upheld a consent decree that designates the region a “GE-free zone,” a ruling which officially protects the decree from appeal, granting new …

Gathuru Mburu – Decolonizing Our Minds and Our Lands

Recolonization is happening. There is a second scramble, not just in Africa, but across the global South. Corporations started it. We need to name and shame these corporations – Monsanto, Syngenta, Cargill, and the program promoting them, AGRA [A Green Revolution for Africa] – to take this battle to the next level. The wars [of conquest of Africa] have not …

Christine Sarich – The Right to Grow Your Own Food Is Being Hijacked by the Federal Government

In a document quietly signed into law a few years ago, your right to grow your own food was surreptitiously taken away and given to the Federal government through the right of ‘seizure’ given to the Feds, by the Feds. Was this a preemptive strike to make all Americans dependent upon corporations like Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, Bayer, etc. for food? …

Organic Under Attack: Report Exposes Big Food’s Tobacco-Style PR Blitz – Lauren McCauley

Remember that recent blog post you read about the popularity of genetically modified foods? Or the economics expert on the news who questioned if paying the price of organic food was ‘worth it’? According to a new report, these views were very likely the product of a public relations blitz by Big Food and Big Ag firms, that are actively …

Monsanto Exposed for Trying to Hide ‘Ugly History’ By Ditching Its Name – Sarah Lazare

Agrochemical giant Monsanto—known for its power over food systems world-wide—recently suggested a name-change as part of a proposed corporate merger, in what critics say is a bald attempt to bury the poor human rights and environmental reputation associated with the company’s brand. Founded in St. Louis, Monsanto recently revealed that it would like to move its headquarters from the United …

Chemical Companies to Write Own Chemical Safety Standards – Christine Sarich

With bill S.697, the chemical industry is about to be given free reign to write their own safety standards. Unless, they are willing to drink their own glyphosate to prove it is “completely safe” as one Patrick Moore recently refused to do, then it hardly makes sense for them to decide if their own products meet safety requirements for the public. Congress hasn’t passed a chemical …

“Monsanto, out of China!” website launched

“Monsanto, out of China!” website (in Chinese): On May 25 2013, anti-Monsanto demonstrations took place in 436 cities in 52 countries. With slogans such as “Either mankind will stop Monsanto, or Monsanto will stop mankind,” demonstrators called for the public to be aware of the dangers posed by GMO food. On May 24, 2014, the planet again witnessed anti-Monsanto demonstrations …

Bee Health Committee Chairman Praises Neonicotinoids, Denies Connection to Bee Deaths – Christine Sarich

Want proof that our representatives are likely taking handouts from Syngenta, Bayer, and other Big Ag makers of bee and butterfly killing neonicotinoids? Elected representative Rodney Davis of Illinois, who also happens to be the bee health committee chairman appointed to study pesticide and herbicide connections to colony collapse disorder, is singing the praises of neonicotinoids (neonics). Davis claims that the bee-killing …

Still Losing: Creditors Change Monsanto’s Investor Rating to “Negative” – Christine Sarich

Approximately $8 billion in debt securities are affecting a popular investor’s service decision about one of biotech’s biggest. Investing credit rating company Moody’s has affirmed that Monsanto’s new rating is being downgraded from ‘neutral’ to ‘negative’ following Syngenta’s announcement that it has refused Monsanto’s unsolicited bid of CHF449 per Syngenta share in a combination of cash and stock. Monsanto’s offer would have …