The Gary Null Show – 03.01.17

It’s the first of March and Gary Null is here to bring you a new show that starts off with the latest in health and healing covering the topics of sodium and potassium, mercury dental fillings and light therapy for chronic pain. In the second half of the program Gary plays an audio clip on White Helmets, Really? The White Helmets: a heartfelt humanitarian NGO or an elaborate and cynical western PR stunt promoting illegal regime change in Syria? Does the wearing of white helmets mean they are the good guys supporting a just cause?

Max Blumenthal – Inside the Shadowy PR Firm That’s Lobbying for Regime Change in Syria

On September 30, demonstrators gathered in city squares across the West for a “weekend of action [3]” to “stop the bombs” raining down from Syrian government and Russian warplanes on rebel-held eastern Aleppo. Thousands joined the protests, holding signs that read “Topple Assad [4]” and declaring, “Enough With Assad [5].” Few participants likely knew that the actions were organized under the auspices of an …