The Gary Null Show – 09.13.16

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing. Gary goes over topics such as Blushberry is a natural cure for cancer. How Cinnamon is good for the brain and how keeping your phone in your front pocket can cause abnormal sperm. Did you know that 50% of people with cancer are killed by chemo and not cancer. In the second half of the program Gary goes into some commentary on Goldman sacks and Globalization (Chris Hedges) Also Gary goes into a audio clip. Lawrence O’Donnell Addresses Native American Genocide The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell – MSNBC finally had a moment of reality with Lawrence O’Donnell when his show featured a bit that talked about America’s history with the indigenous peoples. The ongoing genocide, poisoning, censorship and starvation of the Native American communities is overwhelming. When will we all come together and say enough? Stop putting profits over people and protect our natural resources!

Michael Brenner – Obama’s America: Id, Ego and Super-Ego

Barack Obama’s conduct as President baffles us – just as his personality eludes us. Design and purpose seem to be equally lacking even as the man exudes a strong sense of elitist superiority and his words convey high-minded aspirations. The puzzle lends itself more to psychological analysis than to political analysis. Here is one formulation that may shed light on …

Popular natural and organic tea companies violate pesticide laws

While the tea beverage fascination may have started with America’s southern sweet tea, the popularity of organic and natural teas has skyrocketed over the last decade. Green tea is now the drink of choice (only after water) as people around the world enjoy its refreshing flavor as well as its antioxidant and medicinal benefits. In addition, consumers are realizing how each herbal tea …