Nancy Yousef – Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins

The plans of the next president are personal to the officers of the Pentagon, who are threatening to retire if The Donald becomes commander-in-chief. Republican presidential candidate and business mogul Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to build up the U.S. military if elected president. But it is not clear he will have the experienced commanders within the ranks to do …

Joan Walsh – There Was No Winner in the GOP Debate, But There Was One Clear Loser: The American Public

The 2016 Republican presidential candidates gathered in Las Vegas Tuesday night with two goals: to scare the hell out of the American people and promote themselves as the guy or gal who’ll keep us safe. They all succeeded at their first objective but I’m not sure anyone scored on the second. Frontrunner Donald Trump continued to promise he’d commit war …

Clinton Tops List of Arms Company Donations

illary Clinton has received more money from arms and military service companies than any other candidate during the 2016 presidential campaign, data from Open Secrets shows. All but one of the world’s 10 biggest arms producers have contributed to Clinton’s previous campaigns, giving her — along with the top Republican receiver Ted Cruz — a significant margin over the other …

Leid Stories – 12.15.15

‘Terrorism’ Bolsters Republican ‘Debate’ and CNN’s Bid for Campaign Ad Dollars
The fifth—and, gratefully, last—Republican big-media Q&A (it’s not a debate) for 2015 airs tonight. Staged at The Venetian, the resort hotel and casino in Las Vegas, the Q&A is actually a two-parter—an undercard of four candidates who didn’t quite make the cut in the polls, and the main event featuring nine others who did. It shouldn’t surprise that “terrorism” and related issues—immigration, homeland security, ISIS and, of course, the “good” Muslims/”bad” Muslims racist canard—will dominate the discussion; it’s the kind of political hash that presidential hopefuls would feast upon and willingly share out to voters. But big media is after big money, and CNN gets to make the point tonight to all pols and parties concerned why it deserves the lion’s share of the $5 billion in campaign advertising industry analysts say is up for grabs in the 2016 election cycle, the costliest in U.S. history.

Tana Ganeva – 10 Cities With the Most Struggling People

As the media obsess over Donald Trump’s latest ploy to make the media obsess over him, here are some issues getting less attention: 22 percent of U.S [3]. kids live in poverty, including 39 percent of African-American children. One in 7 Americans [4] can’t afford to feed themselves without relying on food banks, which are struggling to meet their needs. A Pew poll released last week …

IAN MILLHISER – Donald Trump Has An Absolutely Terrifying Plan For The Supreme Court

Early in his campaign for the White House, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump suggested that his nominees to the Supreme Court may be unexpectedly moderate — he said that his sister Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, a left-of-center Clinton appointee to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, would make a “phenomenal” justice. Speaking at a South Carolina political …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 12.10.15

PLANNED PARENTHOOD UNDER ATTACK!!!! We hear all about it from KATHY KNEER, head of California’s powerful Planned Parenthood organization, which runs more than 100 women’s health clinics throughout the nation’s largest state.

Kathy dissects for us the vicious attack being waged on womens’ medical services by right-wing fanatics. With control of both houses of Congress, the Republicans have finally passed anti-female legislation that goes far beyond abortion, denying women access to contraception and basic health care.

Kathy also tells us about the vile, cynical use of crudely distorted videos that undercut Planned Parenthood’s sterling reputation with the goal of ending this long-standing organization’s ability to provide basic services to women.

SHEILA PARKS also joins us for a discussion of the impact of electronically stolen elections on the future of women’s health care.

If you are at all concerned about health services for our nation’s females, do not miss this show.

Leid Stories – 12.09.15

Climate Change: Politics, the Media and the Mass Killings in San Bernardino

Last Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, in which a Muslim couple—Syed Rizwan Farook, 28 and his wife Tashfeen Malik, 29—killed 14 people and wounded 21 others attending a holiday party, has jarred the national consciousness.
Leid Stories listeners analyze how the tragic event, which President Obama has called “an act of terrorism,” is shaping and changing their attitudes.

Henry A. Giroux – Fascism in Donald Trump’s United States

Donald Trump’s blatant appeal to fascist ideology and policy considerations took a more barefaced and dangerous turn this week when he released a statement calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Trump qualified this racist appeal to voters’ fears about Muslims by stating that such a ban is necessary “until our country’s representatives can …

Mike Lofgren – GOP and the Rise of Anti-Knowledge

In the realm of physics, the opposite of matter is not nothingness, but antimatter. In the realm of practical epistemology, the opposite of knowledge is not ignorance but anti-knowledge. This seldom recognized fact is one of the prime forces behind the decay of political and civic culture in America. Some common-sense philosophers have observed this point over the years. “Genuine …