Once Ahead by 60 Points, Clinton National Lead over Sanders Has Dwindled to Zero

Though all political eyes in the U.S. are now focused like a laser beam on Tuesday’s New York primary, the national trends remain startling when it comes to the intense competition between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Though Clinton led Sanders by sixty points when he entered the campaign less than a year ago, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released …

Robert Parry – Democrats March Toward Cliff

As Democratic-insider “super-delegates” give Hillary Clinton a seemingly insurmountable lead for the presidential nomination, the former Secretary of State’s negative ratings continue to soar to stunning levels, hitting a net 24-point unfavorable in the new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll. It is hard to imagine someone who is viewed unfavorably by a clear majority of voters (56 percent) and with a net-negative …

Study: Everyone lies, but politicians do it more often

This is the season of lies. We watch with fascination as candidates for the world’s most powerful job trade falsehoods and allegations of dishonesty. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump routinely calls rival Ted Cruz “Lyin’ Ted.” Cruz retorts: “Falsely accusing someone of lying is itself a lie and something Donald does daily.” News organizations such as The Associated Press and …

Ray McGovern – Is Hillary Clinton Above the Law?

“Enough of the emails,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders in Brooklyn-ese, while turning to Secretary Hillary Clinton during their first debate on Oct. 13, 2015. Sanders won loud applause for what seemed a gentlemanly gesture in withholding criticism for her use of a private email server for classified information. But when Sanders said “The American people are sick and tired of hearing …

Monsanto Profits Drop 25% AGAIN as Farmers, Individuals go Organic

Biotech giant Monsanto reported multiple profit-plummets in 2015 relating to sales for both its genetically modified crop creations and its best-selling herbicide, Roundup. Once again, Monsanto has reported declining profits for the fiscal second-quarter earnings – by 25%. For Monsanto’s 2nd quarter, total sales for Monsanto dropped 13%; with one of Monsanto’s top-sellers, corn seeds, falling 11%. The biotech giant …

Harvey Wasserman – Are You Ready for President Paul Ryan? Why We Desperately Need a Plan C

The Democratic party is teetering on the brink. The green/peace/social justice community needs a Plan C. The Republicans have one. The Democrats don’t. The impacts could be catastrophic. Consider: Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have serious handicaps for reaching the presidency.   By her own admission, Hillary is an ineffective campaigner, with serious negatives among young activists and the …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Wisconsin Primaries [Once Again] Exposes Dirty Party Politricks – 04.06.16

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the duopoly’s erstwhile “frontrunners” in yesterday’s Wisconsin primaries, both got trounced—Trump, by Ted Cruz, with 48.2-35.1 percent of the Republican vote; Clinton, by Bernie Sanders’ 56.6 percent of the Democratic vote to her 43.1 percent of the vote.

Experts and the media are busily dissecting the political upsets, attributing them to a wide range of factors, from personal appeal to campaign strategy and issues they championed. But there is little, if any, discussion about what the Wisconsin primaries really proved—that, once again, the system proved the process is rigged.

Hillary’s atrocious race record: Her stances over decades have been painful and wrong

“The idea that she is or ever has been a stalwart advocate for black empowerment is absolutely ludicrous” MUSA AL-GHARBI As an African-American, I have struggled to understand why so many of my black brothers and sisters seem to prefer Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. Some have argued that black people are terrified at the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, …

An Inconvenient Truth About Free Trade

It’s easy to scoff at the anti-free-trade rhetoric emanating from the U.S. presidential campaign trail. Donald Trump keeps yelling about China, Mexico, and Japan. Bernie Sanders won’t stop shouting about greedy multinational corporations. Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich are awkwardly leaning in the same direction. If you’re a typical pro-trade business executive, you’re tempted to ask: Were these …

Frankie Boyle – Donald Trump has the manner of an arrogant televangelist suspected of murder by Columbo

In this tumultuous US election there seems, for once, to be a genuine choice on offer about which kind of ideas will spend four years being thwarted in a congressional logjam. This year’s race has already spawned thousands of newspaper articles and even a Book of Revelation. It’s actually hard to find a clip of Donald Trump’s campaign that doesn’t look like …