Project Censored – 07.19.16

Mickey Huff and his guests examine the presumptive presidential nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties. First, Ted Rall discusses the career and political leanings of Donald Trump. In the second half of the program, Robbie Martin and Eric Draitser explain why many of the best-known neoconservatives are endorsing Hilary Clinton. Ted Rall is an author and syndicated political cartoonist; his latest book is “Trump, A Graphic Biography.” Robbie Martin is a documentary filmmaker, and producer of “A Very Heavy Agenda.” Eric Draitser writes at

Project Censored – 08.25.15

In a remarkable case study of censorship, author and political cartoonist Ted Rall recounts how he was dropped from the Los Angeles Times, purportedly for giving an untrue account of a 2001 encounter with an LAPD officer, who cited Rall for jaywalking. As he refutes the ‘evidence’ behind his dismissal, Rall also points out links between the Times, the LAPD, and the police union, raising questions about how decisions are made at one of the “big three” U.S. newspapers.