What is Bernie Sanders’ Net Worth?

Bernie Sanders’ net worth is $528,014. Our Bernie Sanders net worth calculations come from analyzing his U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms. U.S. Senators aren’t required to disclose their exact net worth. The closest anyone can get to Bernie Sanders’ net worth is to dig through disclosure forms and do the math. Since senators report assets and debts within preset ranges, finding Bernie …

Bernie Sanders Just Introduced Legislation to Fund Free Undergrad Ed with Wall Street Transaction Taxes‏ – Deirdre Fulton

A broad coalition of nurses, students, religious and civil rights groups, environmentalists, labor and housing advocates on Tuesday praised Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) plan to use a so-called Robin Hood tax on stock transactions to fund tuition at four-year public colleges and universities. Sanders introduced two bills on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.—one to eliminate undergraduate college tuition fees for students attending public colleges and universities …