Expat Files – 07.24.16

Descriptions for THE ExPat Files Show #579

#1 Did you know experts claim the first (or second) most beautiful lake in the world is in Central America? However, only about 1 in 10000 Americans have ever even seen or heard of it. Today we’ll go there and check it out..

#2- No OSHA’s or EPA’s exist in Latin America. Though Latin Governments have lazy, blundering, useless staffs that may give lip service to those first world concepts, in reality they are beyond toothless. In many ways that can be a good thing. But then what happens when Gringos and Expats spot obvious health and safety violations up front and personal? Today we have another true story that will make you both laugh and cringe.

#3- Indigenous people are 99% Christian but they practice it with a strange twist. Today we’ll visit the drinking, smoking, gambling, womanizing bad boy saint, Maximon. He’s the undisputed patron of misdeeds, bad habits and poor lifestyle choices… and you’ll soon find out why.
#4-A few words about Air BnB’s in Latin America and the future of the hospitality business

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Johnny’s next “Latin Insider, Plan ‘B’ Seminar” will be in early January, 2017 . If you want to get on the Earlybird Discount list send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com

Expat Files – 07.22.16

Descriptions for TheExPat Files Show #578

#1- Your plan “B” involves moving your assets and 401ks to untouchable locations: here are a few tips

#2- Building/Construction and environmental impact studies: Latin countries do require them on certain large and commercial projects. So if you build, what should you expect- besides a few bribes here and there?

#3- A few harsh words about how people and businesses pollute in Latin America:

#4-Gringo business ideas can come out of the strangest places: today we have some examples

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to:theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Johnny’s next “Latin Insider, Plan ‘B’ Seminar” will be in early January, 2017 . If you wish to get on the Earlybird Discount list send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com

Expat Files – 07.08.16

Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #576

#1- It could only happen in Latin America: Expat Eddie chimes in with another one of his unbelievable but true eye-witness stories

#2- Crazy superstitions run rampant in Latin America: so its best not to open your mouth or laugh when you see how nutty and illogical the locals react to that stuff. Never forget that Latins take signs, omens, shamans and neighborhood witches (Brujas) quite seriously. By the way, every burb has a friendly neighborhood “bruja”..and for a few bucks she’ll pull out the Tarot cards, tell your fortune and bring you luck. But can she get a cheating husband back? That’s the #1 request… that’ll take more than one visit and a lot more dough.

#3- Things you need to consider if you’re contemplating a trip to the upcoming Brazilian Olympics in Rio

#4- Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

Expat Files – 07.03.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show #575

#1- Part 2 of the Mating, Dating, Love and Romance scene in Latin America: Today we hear relationship testimonies from boots on the ground Gringo and Gringa Expats chiming in on their mating and dating experiences in Colombia and Brazil. You’ll be amused and surprised at what they say about Colombian men and women. As the recorded voice on the London tube platform monotonously proclaims, “mind the gap”,…. well in this case it’s the “cultural” gap we have to mind.

#2-What’s Colombia really like for Expat living? You hear all the big Expat blogs, newsletters and rags push it as the ultimate paradise – like they once pushed Costa Rica and Panama. Today we hear Colombia explained honestly and without hype by long time Expats with years of boots on the ground. They’ve seen and lived the good… and are now lamenting that the bad the ugly have arrived (sex tourism and hoards of partying gringos).

#3-Colombia is becoming Latin America’s premier “Big Brother” tax and spend state: Here’s an eye witness account as to why so many new business startups are doomed in Colombia. If you have a USD dollar income you will be more than OK, but if your livelihood depends on starting a new business- and getting paid in Colombian Pesos(they lost 33% buying power in the last year). Good luck with that! And its gonna bet worse…

#4-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#5- Visit me Johnny (and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com.

Expat Files – 07.01.16

Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #574

#1-Things I can’t stand about Latin America- Part One:
We have story about a trip to a Latin horse farm / natural preserve where we confront many of the things I can’t stand about Latin America. There are some of the real Latin touches you just gotta love too.

#2-All countries can be rated on a personal 1 to 10 scale:
Amerika for me comes in at around a 3 and slipping daily while my favorite Latin countries come in at around 7 to 8. Why? Mostly because taxes are ridiculously low, people are extra friendly, cost of living is very low, Big Brother’s often non-existent and you really do have the kinds of freedoms that existed in Cleveland way back in the 60’s. Could you ask for anything more?

#3-More on the Mating, Dating, Love and Romance scene in Latin America: Today we have a 50 year old Gringo Expat chiming in on his 10 years of mating and dating in both Colombia and Brazil. From his romantic accounts in those two countries, things aren’t looking up. He says Gringos are invading and the general results are not good, however he provides some very good tips for clueless gringos.

#4-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#5- Visit me Johnny (and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com.

Expat Files – 06.17.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show – 06-17-2016

#1- Tricks, diversions and scams used by “cambio guys”… those ever present street-corner and land-border money changers in Latin America. How to get a fair deal if obliged to trade with them.

#2– How to get the best bank exchange rate when changing US dollar funny money to Latin funny money- and vice versa.

#3- How to avoid looking and acting like a clueless gringo at those famously chaotic and confusing land borders. Note, they’re bustling with people and street commerce, fertile ground for hustlers who love spotting out clueless gringos

#4- Counterfeit dough in Latin America: Massive amounts counterfeit bills are floating around Latin America. That’s why so many mom and pop shops have samples of counterfeit dough taped up at the check-out register…especially in the small towns out in boonies. When the music stops, you don’t want to be holding or passing any of that bad script. How can you tell if the Latin dough in you pocket is real or counterfeit? There are ways…

#5- Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)


Expat Files – 06.05.16

#1- The Venezuelan crisis: 101 things you never knew but really should

#2– Confucious say, “Select your words carefully… for someday you may have to eat them”. Today we discuss a short list of first-world Hollywood and Media blockheads who repeatedly have sucked up to Hugo Chavez and Nicholas Maduro. And yes, now they are eating their fawning, doting, idiotic words.

#3- The vast majority of people working on an escape plan or “Plan B” have heard that- as US citizens- they cannot open foreign bank accounts anymore unless they have created an S.A. corporation or have obtained legal residency in that foreign country. That’s only partly true. Today we explain other faster, simpler and much cheaper way.

#4- Latin supermarkets and tiendas sell all types of table salt and many of the cheap brands contain not only iodine but FLOURIDE!!! Does that mean when you eat out you’re continously getting dosed? Not necessarily so and here’s why..

#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Expat Files – 05.29.16

#1-Will you be rich in Latin America? In Latin America just what is the definition of rich? What income is considered middle class? ….or upper-middle class?

#2–Sad but true, IQ’s in the states, Latin America and around the world have been deteriorating steadily since the 1960’s. Meanwhile, we are all perennial optimists and think we’re smarter and better off financially than we actually are…

#3-Some current examples of how Latin TV and the media are thoroughly brainwashing their youth

#4-Solar hot water heating, phasing out LP gas and getting off the grid in Latin America

#5-Why is it that most all “Do-Gooder” organizations and other non-transparent so-called “charities” don’t pass the smell test? Meanwhile “good hearted” gringos keep getting fooled and sucked in again and again…

#6-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#7- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Expat Files – 05.27.16

#1-How “Clueless Gringos” get gouged by Latin lawyers- their methods.

#2–True stories of Latin lawyers charging exorbitant Gringo prices.

#3-My own personal “gouged and scammed” lawyer stories. How I was gouged and scammed on the “tourist trail” and never even knew it… and you probably won’t either(not for a long long time anyway)

#4-How and why it’s becoming more and more expensive for Expats in Panama and why its an unwise idea to open a bank account there.

#5-Selecting the right bank in Latin America: the do’s and dont’s along with an explanation of the many hoops you need to jump through to open an account.

#5-How even honest and decent Latin lawyers can do an end-run around the many Latin rules that we Gringos take for granted (down here rules aren’t quite so etched in stone)

#5-Bribes and payoffs and grease the wheels in Latin America: we Gringos are not exempt from occasionally paying them and if we don’t our paperwork will often remain at the bottom of the pile. We usually let our lawyer do the dirty-work.

#6- Today we discuss a noble “do-gooder” project you might actually want to get involved in. One that helps practically everyone… including the planet itself

#7-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#8- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.


Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)

Expat Files – 05.20.16

#1- Working “Off the Books” in Latin America: The poop on gringos and Expats working under the Latin tax radar.

#2– In their home countries, local Latins are experts at evading taxes – It’s a region where tax evasion is the national sport.

#3- Don’t believe it when a web search reveals certain tax rates – Personal or otherwise – In any particular Latin country. In reality they are much, lower and here’s why…

#4-In Latin America, Labor unions have not gone the way of the dodo like they’ve done in the states – In fact quite the opposite. Here’s the scoop…

#5- For many years poor Nicaraguans have been slipping illegally into Costa Rica looking for jobs and a better life. Working class Costa Ricans don’t like it one bit (Sound Familiar?) and are actively seeking them out and having them deported

#6- Be sure to check out “The ExPat Files” You Tube Channel: become a subscriber (it’s free!)

#7 – Consult with Johnny – Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “Plan – B.” Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#8- Visit me Johnny (and ExPat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)