The Gary Null Show – 06.14.16

On “The Gary Null Show today, Gary brought these topics to the show today

Naps can boost memory, study shows
Landmark study shows nature kills PTSD in combat veteran

Turmeric for cancer? Study says the spice shows promise

15 minutes daily exercise may be reasonable target in older adults

Gary takes a quick break and plays: Junior Walker & The Allstars – (I’m A) Roadrunner
Then Gary goes right into this great video with Russell Brand.

VIDEO: Russell Brand Barack Obama’s Legacy

Bernie is trying really hard to get Hillary to embrace his views

VIDEO: Urgent Message TO All British People

The Gary Null Show – 06.13.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these great topics as well as update everyone on his new support group. Listen here and click on the links to learn more.

Cocoa, tea compound may slash heart disease mortality by 40%

Wheat contains not one, but 23K potentially harmful proteins

Copper essential for burning fat, researchers find

Early puberty in girls Is becoming epidemic and getting worse

The planet’s food supply could be saved by a kind of bee you probably have never heard of

Gary takes a music break and plays: Natalie Cole – This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)

Gary spoke about going to Woodstock to play a new film this summer and he spoke about this great new support group which started Saturday but it was only a introduction, so you can still go and learn and enjoy. Gary will be meeting with you every other Saturday for the next months. Next class is on June 25. Please call Luanne at 631-504-6198 if interested.

VIDEO: Leaked document: Military internment camps in U.S to be used for political dissidents

The Gary Null Show – 06.09.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary does a great show starting with health and nutrition and then guest Glen Ford:

If antidepressants don’t work well, why are they so popular?

Stomach acid blockers linked to brain damage and kidney disease

Calcium linked to reduced breast cancer rates: Meta-analysis

The effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on Pro-inflammatory factors and adiponectin in mildly hypertensive patients: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Lighting colour affects sleep and wakefulness

Gary goes to a music break and plays this jam: When somebody loves you back – Teddy Pendergrass

Gary goes to his guest, thee great radio host, Glen Ford. Here is a quick bio of Glen:

Glen Ford is the Executive Editor of the Black Agenda Report, son of the famed disc jokey Rudy “The Deuce” Rutherford, the first Black television host to have a non-gospel radio in the Deep South. In the 1970s he was a correspondent and journalist covering Capitol Hill and the White House for the Mutual Black network, and later hosted the nation’s first syndicated Black news interview program, “America’s Black Forum.” Since then, Glen has been one of the nation’s leading voices in political and social analysis and commentary on current affairs in the African American community. He is also a founding member of the Washington chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists, a board member of the National Alliance of Third World Journalists and is a frequent lecturer on the role of progressive media at universities.

Glen’s program – Black Agenda Radio– can be heard every Monday at 11:00 am on the Progressive Radio Network

The Gary Null Show – 06.06.16

Walnuts may improve your colon health

Supplement may prevent, reverse damage to aging brain, research suggests

Music stars marketing unhealthy food & beverage products majority of the time

Gary discusses “Why Musicians are dying?”

Medical marijuana: A “cure” for autism?
Celery boosts your white blood cells and starves cancer

Gary takes a break and plays a classic rendition of Stand by Me – Cassius Clay

7 reasons America’s mental health industry is a threat to our sanity

VIDEO: Daniel Beaty – Knock Knock (Def Jam Poetry)

VIDEO: Muhammad Ali – No Viet Cong. Called Me Nigger

Gary talks about “The Clinton’s” and how Black American should not vote for “The Clinton’s” since they have caused more Black American to be put in prison then anyone.

VIDEO: Black People Should HATE Hillary Clinton!

Gary takes a call from listeners about the video played Black People Should HATE Hillary Clinton! Gary tells his feelings on Jill Stein and what she did by telling California people to vote for Bernie Sanders tomorrow at the primary.

The Gary Null Show – 06.01.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary talks about health and healing and then gives us information on his great new article, which you can find on or click on it here, down below.

Stress can help trigger stroke
High-fiber diet May help lower breast cancer risk

Overweight women have worse breast cancer

New insights on link between early consumption of cows’ milk and type-1 diabete

Blueberries improve endothelial function, but not blood pressure, in adults with metabolic syndrome: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Effects of powdered Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on an acute bout of intense lower body strength exercise in resistance trained males

Gary took a music break and played this jam: Jermaine Jackson – Let’s get serious.

Gary returned to read his new article: Medicine That Kills. Click on the title to read this great article or go to the homepage on and click there.

Gary discussed Dr. David Graham and how he tried to help people learn about bad drugs being getting approval by the FDA. Here is an article about Dr. Graham: Attention to Failure

Medicine That Kills – Gary Null, Ph.D

American science and public health is the finest in the world, with the smartest people working with the latest technologies to prevent and cure disease. We are exceptional.

That is a common belief held by several million people working within the medical industrial complex. The problem is, it’s untrue. In fact, it’s just the opposite. American medicine kills more people unnecessarily than any other national medical system in the industrialized world. As Harvard School of Medicine professor Lucian Leape noted, American medicine kills 3 jumbo jets-worth of patients every 48 hours.(1)

In this series we review the startling science which suggests that deaths from medical error in the US may be conservatively estimated at 400,000 annually, while severe injuries from medical error may top 10,000,000.(2,3) This equates to 8 million deaths and 200,000,000 severe injuries due to modern medical medicine during the past twenty years. It is higher than the casualties from any single conflict or war in American history.

The Gary Null Show – 05.30.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave the audience all this great information and hope everyone enjoys.

Standard Treatment for Prostate Cancer May Encourage Spread of Disease

7 foods that your prostate hates

Big belly boosts risk of later dementia

Cancer screening has never saved lives

Costly breast cancer screenings don’t add up to better outcomes

Cancer screening has never saved lives

Thimerosal: A vaccine ingredient’s toxic legacy

The more Vaccines an infant receives in its first year, The higher the mortality rate

Statistically significant correlations between vaccines and vaccines, infant Hospitalizations and deaths

Can Adderall abuse trigger temporary schizophrenia?

What’s in a cough? 20,000 viruses

Gary takes a music break and plays this track – The Doobie Brothers – Long train without love where would you be mow. Gary returns to play videos and then finished the show with a caller talking about Vaccines from Italy back in the 1900s.

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Laughs at Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya

VIDEO: Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes what Hillary Clinton really represents

The Gary Null Show – 05.25.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, these great topics are covered and Gary talks to a great guest, Charles Glass. Listen and read please.

Primary prevention of colorectal cancer

Exercise: Future anticancer therapy?

Poverty marks a gene, predicting depression

Bright light during meals affects metabolism, lowers effect of insulin

Gary takes a quick music break for this jam: Teddy Pendergrass – I Don’t Love You Anymore

What happens when water for 30 million people disappears?

Gary then goes to his wonderful guest Charles Glass. Here is his bio:

Charles Glass is an American-British journalist and broadcaster who is highly respected internationally for his investigative reporting from the Middle East. For a decade starting in 1983, he was ABC’s chief Middle East correspondent and worked with CNN and ABC as well. His articles appear in the Guardian, Time, The Telegraph, Harpers Newsweek and other publications. in 1987, while reporting from Lebanon Charles was kidnapped and held hostage by Shi’a militants for over 2 months. He broke the story of Saddam Hussain possessing biological weapons a year later. His covert reporting in East Timor in 1992 resulted in the US Senate suspending military aid to Indonesia. And he has reported from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq on many occasions. Charles is the author of seven books, his most recent being a very concise history and background into the Syrian crisis entitled “Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe.” His website is

VIDEO: We asked Edward Snowden if online privacy has improved since his massive NSA leak

Edward Snowden calls ‘bullshit’ on FBI’s claim that it can’t unlock iPhone

VIDEO: Robert Reich: Why “Right to Work” is Wrong for Workers – Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains the truth behind so-called “Right to Work” laws and how they hurt working families.

Gary takes calls about people who try to give the American people information the Government doesn’t want you to know.